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His agency hired him a driver to drive for schedules, letting Pablo to focus more on his work as manager instead of behind the wheel. Justin was in shock when he heard about the news, but decided to went along with the convenience.

He knows it is quit risky for another person knows where he lives, considering it is Ken's residence but Pablo assures  him to not worry. After all, the driver signed deal for the privacy purpose.

They needs to stop by at the agency for some documents first, before heading to the shooting location. Justin have magazine shoot this morning and some short interview session with the production team. Pablo briefed him for what should and should not, totally using his 6 years experience as artist manager.

He texts Ken to kill his boredom, as there is 30 minutes to reach the destination. He didn't get the chance to meet him this morning.

Developing feelings on Ken isn't his priority, although that was what both their parents hoping on

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Developing feelings on Ken isn't his priority, although that was what both their parents hoping on. They are both total strangers from the start, with no idea about each other's personality.

Justin knows he himself doesn't have much to hide with 3 years in front of cameras and interviews here and there, but it is totally different for Ken. That guy doesn't have social medias that Justin can get a rough background of him. He can only depends on his in-laws which he rarely meets. Ken's cold and closed off attitude at home doesn't help much.

He wants to have small talks during meal, sharing funny stories happened during works, giving opinions regarding what reported in news. He doesn't want to really feel the 'forced' in their marriage, when they can just act civil as housemates, perhaps.

But Justin notices that after the family dinner -not the kiss-, Ken has been more 'human' with him.

The flu, the request for dinner, the headache, the goodnight hug, the small argument regarding his sweet coffee, the  and the current one; Ken informing him that he might be home late, it feels like a small light in their marriage tunnel.

Nevertheless, he'll still do his best for Ken so he won't have much regret later.

• • • • •

He enjoyed his schedule today, the photoshoot and interview session. The production team did a great job on making sure he is comfortable, although it is their first time to work together. They wrapped the shoot after 8 hours, which Justin doesn't notice that it has been that long.

"Do you want to get dinner first?" Pablo asks once they are in the van. He glances at the clock, it is already past seven. "Do you want to?" He asks back at his manager. "No. Berry is coming over later," he smiles teasingly. Justin knows the meaning behind the smile. If only there isn't Sir Robin the driver, Justin will tease Pablo more regarding Berry.

Pablo has been secretly dating with the famous singer, Stell. They knew each other around 4 years ago and had been dating for the past 2 years. 'Berry' is a secret name for Pablo to talk about his boyfriend with Justin. He doesn't know what makes Pablo trust him with that big secret, but he doesn't even try to betray. After all, he can relate too.

"No, I'll skip dinner too." Sir Robin continues the drive home. Minutes later, the car stops in front of the apartment entrance. Bidding them goodbye and Pablo short reminding him about tomorrow's schedules, Justin walks inside. He patiently waits for the elevator that takes few floors to reach him, when he smells something familiar. He looks over and saw Ken is walking to his direction. It seems like Ken just arrived from work.

"Have you had dinner?" Justin asks once they are in the elevator, going up to 6th floor where their home is. "Don't feel to," he says, leaning his back. "I'll just make warm milk then, ok?" He looks over, feeling pity with the workaholic guy. Ken nods his head, and they walk out the elevator together to the home.

Justin enjoys this apartment for the privacy, although it is too much money for his income. These residence is quite high-end that only businessman or someone like Ken can afford. The apartment's resident doesn't care about each other so much, something that Justin takes into gratitude too.

He unlocks the door, letting Ken inside before he follows along. "I'll knock on your door once the warm milk is done. Let me take a shower, first," he says before half running to his room. 10 minutes later, he is already in his pajama so he walks out to the kitchen. Preparing the milk while cleaning the kitchen a little bit, he decided to settle on some instant noodles as he is quite hungry.

He is about to bring the milk to Ken when the guy walks out the room, already fresh from shower too. "Your milk is ready. I'm making instant noodle, do you want too?" he offers. Ken takes the seat beside him, sipping down the milk. "No, thanks." The rejection is quite polite, he admits.

He slurps down the noodle, not wanting to disturb Ken enjoying the milk. "I'l have business trip tomorrow, for a week," Ken says. "Oh."

Justin reaches for his phone, looking at the calendar for his schedules. "I'll have two days event this upcoming weekend, at 5 hours away city. Then, I'll have two weeks shooting at another provinces."

"We'll not seeing each other for a while, I guess," Justin shrugs, trying to not notice the heavy feelings in his heart.

                              (PabStell chat)

                              (PabStell chat)

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(Justin's private acc)

(Justin's private acc)

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