16. (Ken's POV)

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"Justin won't make it for dinner due to traffic. He asked us to not wait for him," he informs his family. His mom replied with a nod, before asking the maids to serve the dish right away.

They are supposed to drive together but Justin had urgent meeting this lunch, so they had to go separately. He finished the meeting around 5 in the evening, and the two hours drive should be enough for him to arrive by dinner time. But as informed, he is stuck in heavy traffic that he will be late than expected.

The younger guy had been busy throughout these days. He spent almost 12 hours outside, rarely go home before 10 in the evening. It seems like his schedules are totally packed, that he barely get his rest. He hopes Justin will take the short trip here for him to recharge.

"Let's eat. Don't worry, I saved some for Justin," his mom assures. Ken and his parents start to dig in into the Ginataang Manok and some side dishes.

"Have both of you been busy this whole time? Do you have chance to have dinner together, at least?" His mom asks concernly. "Pretty much," he answers. "Your marriage has been almost 6 months. Is everything okay? You both are getting along, right?" This time, it is his dad. "We're doing good."

"Good to hear that. We knew you were reluctant with the marriage at first, but I do believe in Justin's charm to work his way on you. He is a good one, I assure you. It will be a pity if you didn't appreciate and cherish him."

"We both want for only good things in your life, especially on this marriage. But if somehow, it doesn't work out, please discuss with us. Mom and Dad believe, we have some fair share in the marriage too," his mom adds.

If only his parents know about Jade.

"And please, do not cheat on him. If you have someone else, let him go and don't try to play with his feelings. If you truly love the first one, you won't have the second choice. As much as it will hurt us too, being transparent will save more damage."

"I'll try my best," he answers before finishing his food in silence. His parents changes the topic into some random topics, which he interrupts here and there when needed.

• • • • •

He is walking down the stairs after putting his phone in charge when he saw Justin at the front door. His parents are welcoming him gladly, which he feels a little bit jealous.   It seems like his parents favor Justin more than him; their son.

There is some relief to know that Justin safely arrived, that he expressed it with a hug. It shocks the younger guy for a moment before he hugs him back. "I'm sorry I can't make it to dinner," Justin apologizes. "Don't worry too much. What matters now is you're here already. Go and take a shower, then come downstairs for food. I'll ask the maid to reheat the dinner."

He guides Justin to the room, asking him to be comfortable around. "Ken, I think I need to service my car tomorrow. I had some trouble driving here just now." Justin scratches his head, pouting in guilty. "You should tell me earlier so I can pick you up. You know it is dangerous," he nags. Justin lowers his head, playing with his fingers. "Sorry. I don't want to disturb you."

"I'll check it tomorrow morning. Now, go take a shower first." Justin walks into the bathroom while he reaches for his phone. He searched for service center that will available for tomorrow. There will be one about 20 minutes away, so Justin's problem is solved. He informs Justin about it, the guy thanks him while drying his hair with towel.

"We need to act more as happy couple. My parents lectured me during dinner." He says, half lying. Justin nods his head, before they both went downstairs.

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