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"Pablo, I need help!" he rushingly asks once the manager answered his video call. "Why is that?" It seems like the guy was asleep before Justin interrupted him. "I don't know if this is the right decision," he sighs.

He switches the video into front camera, showing the bowl that is filled with something that pinkish in color. "Oi, what was that?" Pablo frowns. "I'm preparing ingredients for spaghetti, this time adding ground pork instead of only sausages. I washed the ground pork, and this is how it looks like," he clears out. "Oh my Lord! Justin, no one wash ground pork before cooking it. You just throw it into the pot." Pablo scolds him. "Is it hygienic to not wash it?" he curiously asks, looking over at Ken who just arrived home.

He watches as his husband puts away his briefcase on the table beside the couch. He moved the workplace and all related into the living room, so their room will only be used to enjoy each others' company without any disturbance. It was a drastic move of Ken considering how he has been workaholic all this time, that put Justin in awe to see that he puts their relationship in priority. 

It has been weeks and they both is getting used to the unspoken rule that the living room is the space for their personal me time and the bedroom is for their time together. Let just say that the time spent at the latter get the upper hand considering Justin loves the full attention he got when they are there.

The pillow talk, cuddles and hugs, and maybe lots of physical activities too.

"He was talking to you," Ken refers to Pablo on the phone that still complaining about his ground pork. He returns back to his manager, changing the view to his face. He innocently flashes a smile to the camera which annoys the other end. "I am almost 30 years old alive and never once I see anyone wash ground pork before cooking it."

"So, what should I do now?" he says to stop the nagging, looking at the bowl. Ken is changing into in house shirt as he will be in charge of the fried chicken later as planned. "Strain it, put it back in the fridge and order some online food to save you from more disaster. You know you can't really cook, and you know it is also fine to not be perfect at everything. I'm not flexing but both Stell and I can cook, but we're still going for dinner date later to celebrate the Valentine. How irony it is," he rolls his eyes.

"Is everything okay?" Ken curiously asks as he joins him in the kitchen. "What is that?" he looks over to the bowl. "He washed the ground pork. Please take over the cooking, Ken. Who knows, what will happen later," Pablo complains. He is ready for another nagging session from his husband but instead he got a soft smile and a kiss on the side of his head. "Sure, don't worry. Sorry for interrupting your day off," Ken replies. "It's fine. Happy Valentine, lovebirds! See you tomorrow, Justin. Bye!" The video call ends and Ken places his usual forehead kiss upon seeing his pout.

"You did well, Jah. I will take over from now on, but you still can help me if you want to. It is also fine if you just want to stay beside me the whole time. Whatever you wish to do," Ken cups his face before another peck on the forehead. "I'll help," he says before reaching for the strainer to save the ground pork.

• • • • •

They are full from the bolognaise spaghetti and fried chicken, that they are spending the rest of the afternoon with some TV series. Justin is blankly watching the screen while resting his head on Ken's shoulder, his husband is looking for anything interesting to watch.

He freezes when he stops at the channel which Liham is playing, the Valentine series he acted in. "Who is the actress?" Ken asks which replies, "Candace."

Justin feels awkward to watch his acting with the presence of Ken. "You look better in real life," Ken praises, making him blush. He thanks him and try to close his eyes out of embarassment when Ken blurts out. "Do you both still have project together?"

Feeling guilty, he decided to tell him the truth he owed. "We're supposed to become a LoveTeam after this series aired. But I rejected the idea.”

"What is LoveTeam?"

"It is where the actor and actress acted like a romantic couple in public. They believe the chemistry potrayed onscreen will makes the fans wanted to see more of them in projects. They even came up with the pair name. It was JustAnce for us. It sounds alike to Justin, Candace and also "Just Us"."

"Oh." The short reply makes Justin looks over to his husband. Ken changes the channel in silence and it is cute that he senses a hint of jealousy there. He reaches for Ken's arm and hug it, swaying his fingers up and down on it.

"Why should I pretend to be in one when I already have my own langga here, right? I think I like Justin Suson, or KenTin more. How about you?"

"Can't it be JustKen?"

Smirking, he reaches for his ear and whispers. "The first name is the one who top. So, it's KenTin for us." The smile doesn't die as he watches Ken gulps down his saliva, eyes running around the TV screen. "You're okay?" He teases.

"There is nothing to watch. Do you want to do anything else?" Ken looks at him, eyes glancing on his lips for a moment before back to his eyes. It is an innocent question from Ken but not for Justin. Wasting no time, he comes closer to his face, replying "I want you" before pulling him into deep kiss.

He notices how Ken never takes the first action for their sexual activity but Justin understands that it was him to blame for his past actions. There is no harm for Justin to give him more time, as they will have forever to spend together.

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