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It has been three months.

He kept himself busy with a lot of projects and been active on social medias. It came to conclusion with his agency and Pablo to push out digital contents for his fans as a token of appreciation. Behind the scenes, IG Live, VLogs and more contents are ready for his supporters.

"You'll need to have an early Christmas this year. Maybe on the first week of December because you had lots of events to attend after that, even at Christmas' Eve," Pablo informs while the MUA touched up his makeup. "Two weeks from now?" he asks which Pablo nods his head.

"Ate, can you give us some moments?" Pablo smiles which the MUA agrees and leave them both alone in the room. "What's the tea?" he jokes when the manager grabs a chair and sit beside him. Turning his chair, they are facing each other.

"It has been what, three months? How long will you avoid to talk about it?" There is no smile on Pablo's face, his face is serious. "What do you mean?" He plays pretend.

"I know it is unprofessional to talk about this now, but I can't handle it. I saw you pushed away his notification on your phone. You left his messages unreplied, was it?"

"I'm just not in mood," he gives his reason. "For the past three months? You didn't inform him about the reality show shoot last month, was it?"

He frowns, "There is no reason to tell him about my schedules. It is supposed to be P&C, right?"

"He is still your husband, legally. A little update won't hurt." Pablo sighs. "He was there, at the airport, during the departure."

He looks at Pablo in shock of the information. "What do you mean?"

"He asked for my number from Tita Gemma and asked about your schedules because you didn't respond to his texts. It was a day before the flight that he asked for my permission to come over and send you off. You might not noticed him but I saw him in the crowd."

"I shouldn't tell you about this but Jade still can't accept the breakup. Ken told me he is still figuring out the way so you can return back to him in peace. He needs more time but he doesn't know how long he can hold on before he gives up so she won't hurt you in anyway."

There is sudden ache in his chest hearing all of it. He wishes Pablo will laugh and say that it was all a joke, but instead the older pats his shoulder. "Choose what your heart want." Justin watches through the mirror as Pablo leave the room.

Reaching for his phone, he taps on Ken's texts. Typing the words, he waits for a moment before hit the send.

 Typing the words, he waits for a moment before hit the send

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