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Justin wakes up early, deciding to check on Ken this morning regarding what happened last night. He admits he was caught in surprise with Ken's behaviour, but it is best for him to just enjoy it while it last instead of questioning it. He is an overthinker, but he choose to put it on work instead of personal issues.

He walks to the kitchen, rummaging through to find ingredients for the breakfast. He decided on pancakes, as he himself is craving for it. After preparing the batter, he knocks on Ken's door. He hears some coughing from inside, makes him knocks the door even louder.

"Ken?" He asks in worry. There are some noises following the cough, before the door opens. "What?" The stare is there, but isn't as sharp as usual. "Are you okay? I heard the cough."

"I'm fine," a cough proving otherwise. "Maybe you should take a day off. I'll get you to doctor later," he suggests. "No need. It's just sore throat." With that, Ken closes the door.

Justin continues making the pancakes, ears being on alert to hears sounds from Ken's room. He prepares a cup of hot honey lemon tea, as he googled that it will work for sore throat. Once there is enough pancakes for them, he turns of the stove and wait for Ken.

He flashes a simple smile watching Ken walks out the room in his office attire, something that Justin have rare chance to encounter. It feels like they are real married couple, Justin in his pajamas making breakfast for his husband before starting their day. Blinking the thoughts away, he serves Ken some pancakes.

"Good morning. Mr.Google said this drink will ease sore throat. It's just honey, lemon and tea with no additional sugar. If it doesn't work, at least you had some escape from you oversweet coffee," he says, passing the cup.

"You should tone down on your coffee, Ken. Maybe that was the reason of you headache last night," he adds, forking some pancakes into his mouth.

"If I don't want to?" Ken looks at him, eyes challenging. "I might throw away your coffee machine. After all, I'm free of schedules today," Justin shrugs.

"I'll get another coffee maker and put it in my room." Ken replies, leaving Justin rolls his eyes as defeat.

• • • • •

Justin is using the day to the fullest, resting his body and mind to prepare himself for his soon packed and chaotic shedules. After Ken went to work, he took a long nap at the living room. He then woke up, take a shower, ordered his lunch online and enjoy his evening watching movies.

He planned to cook something for dinner, but when Ken texted him saying he will be home probably by midnight, Justin decided for another takeaway to end his meal today. He looks over his phone when he sees Pablo texted him.

Once the conversation came to conclusion, he went to his X account to pamper his fans

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Once the conversation came to conclusion, he went to his X account to pamper his fans. He admits that he isn't that much active in social medias, but he tried his best.

He is actually an introvert, but in the industry where you need to socialize and being in front of lenses, Justin needs to adapt. That is why he really appreciate his offdays from people's eyes. He doesn't know how he will make through the upcoming days, hope it won't drifting him away of himself.

 He doesn't know how he will make through the upcoming days, hope it won't drifting him away of himself

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• • • • •

He sets up his phone at the dining table, not wanting to expose the interior of the house too much. He prepared edamame to snack on during the IG Live, somehow afraid that no one will join it. He takes a deep breath before starting the Live.

Few minutes in, and there is already two thousands people are watching. He greets the viewers, smiling proudly with the support he received. As the views increases, he starts answering their questions.

There are questions about his favourite foods, favourite color and all those trivial questions that he doesn't mind to share with. The viewers also asked for spoiler of Hanggang Sa Huli and his upcoming projects, which he doesn't share too much because his manager is joining the Live too, as promised.

He excuses himself to change into a new shirt because a clumsy Justin just spilled drink on his lap. He rushes to not let his viewers wait too long, when he hears a door closed, which he believes coming from Ken's room.

He sits back in front of the phone while glancing to Ken's room. There is light underneath the door, so he assumes Ken is home. He reads the comments and it seems like the viewers noticed the presence of someone else. Some even cheering on the deep voice of the person.

"Don't be worry, everyone. It was my friend coming over. With that, I'm sorry but I have to end this live. Thank you to everyone that joined this Live. Thank you for the support of my career and the ongoing drama Hanggang Sa Huli. We'll have another live session later, I promise you." Justin politely excuses himself.

There are goodnight wishes and warm thanks from the viewers, making Justin a little teary. "Goodnight and have a good rest everyone! Bye bye!" He waves before ending the IG Live.

He looks up from his phone when he hears Ken's door opens. The guy looks fresh from shower but not in his usual night clothes. Instead, he dressed in shirts and slacks, looking a bit rushing to go out.

"Are you going somewhere?" he asks curiously. The question ignored, he watches as Ken walks out the home leaving him no glance.

He looks over his phone, a message from Pablo.

He looks over his phone, a message from Pablo

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Justin texts Ken, ignoring Pablo.

Justin texts Ken, ignoring Pablo

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