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His sneeze shocks the entire table. He mutters a small sorry before wiping his nose with a tissue.

"Jah, are you okay?" his mom asks in concern. He nods his head, letting out another sneeze. "What happened, Ken?" Marie curiously asks. Their dads watch in silence while eating their breakfast. "He had some early shower," Ken answers. The smiles on their parents showed that they thought that Ken and him had intimate moments.

There is truth in Ken's answer, actually. He did take a shower after the 'accident', and slept with a hoodie on because Ken lowered the AC temperature and hid the remote. Only God knows how much he was shivering in sleep.

Justin too focus on his runny nose to correct their thoughts, so he just let it be. After all, they are going home today so there will be no need to act like a happy couple. He excuses himself to the toilet near the kitchen to blow out the snort. Once he makes sure his nose isn't stuffy anymore, he washes his face and walks back to the dining table. He finishes the remaining breakfast in silence, letting Ken handles the conversation.

"Do you want to take a rest first before we drive home?" He is resting on the couch when Ken blurts out the question. "Feeling guilty, are you?" He crosses his arms, head resting on the back of the couch and closes his eyes. "No need. I'll get some medicine and sleep throughout the way. You won't get disturbed by me, plus point," he says before another sneeze.

"I can keep you warm last night if we cuddled," Ken shrugs. Justin doesn't know what happened yesterday that made Ken acting this way. "We don't have to if you give me the AC remote."

"I'll make some porridge for you to bring home. Take some rest first." His mom interrupts their small argument, which luckily she didn't hear. Justin tries his best to not let the flu take over his body, but he fails. Instead of sitting, he lies down on the couch and letting himself falls asleep.

The nudge on his shoulder makes him open his eyes, frowning when he sees Ken is sitting on the floor facing him. "What?" He watches as Ken grabs a glass of water and medicine from the coffee table, shoving it to him. He half sits himself up, gulping down the medicine in silence. "Thanks," he mumbles, before closing his eyes again.

The medicine surely works as his nap feels like a year sleep.

• • • • •

He was awake on the way home because their parents insisted Ken to let him feel better before hitting the road. He didn't snack or try to bother Ken, deciding to let his eyes enjoy the roadside and scenery.

He might looks calm outside, but he knows what he has been thinking about but doesn't have enough courage to confront.

The kiss.

He wants to ask what was the reason behind the kiss, what happened during Ken's three hours disappearance that made him act like that. Ken told their parents that his friend involved in a car crash, but Justin knows it is not the truth.

Perhaps, it is about Jade?

Justin doesn't know if he deserve to ask about Jade, considering their marriage isn't real but what if Jade is Ken's lover and he is the third person of their relationship?

Does Jade knows about their marriage?

There are too much questions in his mind, but the answers are with Ken.

"Ken, who -" his question interrupted with a phone call from Pablo.

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