Chapter 1: "The Breaking Point"

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Shoto Todoroki origin:

Shoto Todoroki sat quietly in his room, a small, unassuming child of five years. The memories of his early childhood were a jumble of harsh words, a divided home, and a father's relentless ambition. But one week before the scar incident that would forever mark his life, he overheard words that pierced his fragile heart.

In the dimly lit hallway outside his room, Shoto eavesdropped on a heated conversation between his older brother Toya and their middle brother Natsou. The emotions were raw, and Toya's hatred for Shoto was palpable.

Natsou's voice trembled with a mixture of emotions, primarily resentment and sadness. "Toya," he complained, his words dripping with bitterness, "Shoto has stolen Mom from us. She's always with him, and I wish he was never born."

Toya, the eldest, however, couldn't contain the intense hatred he felt for his youngest brother. His voice was laced with venom and pain. "Natsou, I get it," he replied, the anger in his words cutting like a knife. "But Shoto, that child, is the embodiment of everything that's wrong in this family. I hate him more than you can imagine."

Shoto felt a lump in his throat, his heart heavy with the weight of their emotions. The thought that his own family resented his presence was like a dagger through his young heart. Overwhelmed by the intensity of their conversation, he ran away to the sanctuary of his small hiding place beneath the stairs.

Just as he began to regain his composure, a deep voice thundered, "Shoto! Training time!" The familiar, dreaded command echoed through the house. His father's voice brooked no resistance, but Shoto didn't yet refuse at this moment.

Two days later, once the physical wounds had begun to heal, Shoto's mother sat him down, the room still bearing the scars of their familial tragedy. She gently wiped away his tears and told him that he didn't have to be his father, that he could be whoever he wanted to be.

A week passed in an eerie silence. One night, Shoto awoke from a nightmare, drenched in cold sweat, his heart racing. He sought the comfort of his mother, finding her in the dimly lit kitchen, speaking to her own mother on the phone. Unbeknownst to her, Shoto had approached, and he listened, his heart breaking with each word.

"I can't stand looking at Shoto's left side," his mother's voice trembled with the pain of hidden emotions. "It's like looking at Enji, like looking at everything I hate. He was forced upon me, and I just can't do it anymore."

Shoto, a child caught in the crossfire of adult struggles, couldn't comprehend the sudden change. Just two days ago, his mother had comforted him and assured him that he didn't have to follow in his father's footsteps. Was this a bad joke?

His curiosity pushed him closer, and that's when it happened. In a moment of blind rage, his mother seized a boiling pot of water and threw it in his direction. His left side, the very aspect she despised, endured the searing heat, but not without cost. She froze his left eye, leaving it permanently scarred.

The kitchen transformed into a nightmare of blood, screams, and tears. Shoto's heart ached with the realization that his family had shattered beyond repair. The scars etched on his face were more than just physical; they were a symbol of the emotional wounds that would torment him for years to come.

This traumatic event marked the beginning of Shoto Todoroki's anguished journey, forever shaping his destiny as a hero, and the pain that would become his constant companion.

This traumatic event marked the beginning of Shoto Todoroki's anguished journey, forever shaping his destiny as a hero, and the pain that would become his constant companion

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