Chapter 14: "First Day at UA"

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The sun hung high in the sky as the first day of UA High School dawned. Momo walked towards the school with a determined stride, her heart pounding. The prospect of a new beginning, the promise of the future, it was all laid out before her. A fresh start.

Momo's Pov:
This is it, the first day at UA. So many new faces, so much potential. It's like a blank canvas, waiting to be painted with our dreams.

And then, as if guided by fate, she heard a familiar voice, one that sent warmth surging through her. Shoto approached her, his cool and composed demeanor a stark contrast to her fluttering heart. He asked, "Nervous, Momo?"

Momo: *Her eyes sparkling with excitement* "A little, Shoto. But I'm more eager than anything else."

Together, they ventured into the halls of UA High, the magnitude of this new chapter in their lives weighing heavily on them. This was the first time they had seen their classmates since both of them had been recommended into the school, bypassing the school enrollment exam. Their journey had taken an unconventional path.

Momo's Pov:
We've come a long way from those childhood promises, haven't we? Now, we're here at UA, ready to take on the world. And Shoto is by my side, just like always.

As they took their seats in the back of the classroom, the room buzzed with energy. Momo noticed the multitude of new faces, each harboring dreams and aspirations. She couldn't help but feel a mixture of curiosity and wonder. Already, she had made a new friend, Jirou, whose vibrant personality seemed to mirror her own enthusiasm.

Momo's Pov:
Jirou is such a lively, friendly person. I'm excited to get to know her better. It feels like the beginning of a wonderful journey, filled with friends and experiences.

Shoto, on the other hand, observed the room with a certain detachment. The prospect of making new friends didn't seem to interest him. It was as if he had his own world, a world filled with his own ambitions and aspirations.

Shoto's Pov:
UA is my opportunity to break free from the chains of my family's legacy. I don't want to simply walk in my father's footsteps; I want to create my own legacy, one that's entirely my own. The weight of my family's expectations is a heavy burden, but I'm determined to carve out my own destiny and prove that I can stand on my own.

The first practical training session was upon them, and Shoto's performance became a source of inspiration and a reminder of the journey they were embarking on at UA High.

Momo's Pov:
This is the beginning of our future, and Shoto is right here with me. No matter how challenging it gets, we'll face it together.

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