Chapter 21: "The Summer Camp"

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The journey to the summer camp had been long and grueling, and there was no respite upon their arrival. With a mixture of excitement and trepidation, Momo, Shoto, and their classmates were thrust into a daunting obstacle course, immediately testing their physical abilities and teamwork.

As they navigated through a series of challenges and confronted adversaries, exhaustion set in rapidly. Their muscles screamed, and sweat dripped from their brows as they overcame each obstacle. The sun relentlessly beat down on them, adding to their fatigue.

When they finally completed the grueling course, their victory was a testament to their resilience. They were weary, but the sense of accomplishment was undeniable.

Afterward, as they sat down for a well-deserved meal together, they shared their experiences during the day.

Momo, looking at Shoto, spoke up, "That obstacle course was something else. I can hardly feel my legs."

Shoto nodded in agreement. "It was definitely challenging, but it's all part of our training. I think it's going to make us stronger."

Their classmates chimed in with their own observations and stories from the day's challenges, filling the conversation with a mix of exhaustion and determination.

Throughout the meal, Momo and Shoto exchanged glances, the exhaustion still evident. But it was the shared experience that seemed to be strengthening their connection, as they leaned on each other for support during these physically demanding trials.

But little did they know that a sinister presence awaited them, ready to test their courage in ways they could not foresee.

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