Chapter 40 "Silent Echoes"

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The hospital corridors echoed with the sounds of beeping machines, hushed conversations, and the occasional groans of pain. Momo, along with some of her classmates, navigated through the sterile halls, searching for their wounded friends.

Upon reaching the room where Bakugo was causing a ruckus, they found the explosive hero in a state of unrest, fueled by both physical and emotional turmoil. The loss of their teacher's leg added to the weight of the recent revelations, casting a shadow over their once-unshakable confidence.

As they moved through the hospital, the air felt heavy with a sense of uncertainty. Deku remained unconscious, a silent reminder of the battle's toll. Momo couldn't shake the worry that lingered in her chest.

Eventually, they reached Shoto's room. His eyes were fixed on the wall, lost in a contemplative silence. Momo and their friends entered, their presence a gentle intrusion into his solitude. Concern and questions filled the room, but Shoto's throat, burned and strained, remained silent.

Momo, ever encouraging, spoke words of support, trying to bridge the gap between their shared experiences and the unspoken pain. Yet, Shoto's silence hung in the air, a testament to the depth of his internal struggle. In the stillness of that hospital room, echoes of unspoken emotions reverberated, leaving an uncharted terrain of healing and recovery ahead.


The reunion in the hospital room brought a mix of emotions, but it was when Shoto's siblings and mother encountered his father that the atmosphere shifted into palpable tension. The room, once filled with tentative warmth, now crackled with unresolved dynamics as they faced the man who had been both the source of their pain and the architect of their complicated family dynamics.

As Endeavor's tears unveiled a vulnerability rarely seen, Shoto, observing from the sidelines, felt an instinctual desire to escape the room's confines. The unspoken tension of their family echoed in the shared glances and hesitant exchanges, revealing the depth of pain etched into their shared history.

The conversation unfolded like a delicate dance, each member of the family navigating the fragile threads of connection that had been frayed over the years. Shoto's mother, in an attempt to bridge the gaps, bestowed upon Shoto the title of "the family's hero." However, the weight of such expectations on the young teenager became starkly apparent.

The chapter delved into the unspoken bonds that tied the Todoroki family, exploring the complexities of their relationships in the face of a shared history marred by neglect and abuse. The tension intensified as the siblings witnessed their father's tears for the first time, laying bare the intricate layers of a family grappling with the challenge of rebuilding connections.


Returning to the confines of his hospital room, Shoto found an unexpected presence awaiting him. Momo, having sensed the weight of unspoken emotions, chose to be there for him in the quiet aftermath of the family reunion.

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