Chapter 33 "Beneath the Surface"

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In the quiet of the evening, Shoto Todoroki descended to the common area, his mind preoccupied with the upcoming exam. Little did he expect to find Momo Yaoyorozu, a fellow student, immersed in a sea of textbooks and a cup of coffee – a portrait of diligence, albeit with signs of fatigue etched on her face.

Shoto, observing Momo immersed in her studies, couldn't help but voice his concern. "Are you okay?" he inquired, a genuine worry etched across his features.

Her response, a simple assurance that "everything is fine," did little to convince Shoto. The exhaustion painted on her face spoke volumes, prompting him to express his concern more explicitly. "You look like you're about to collapse. You need some rest," he insisted, his concern palpable.

However, Momo, determined and driven, declined the offer for rest. With a heavy sigh, she confessed, "I failed the last exam. I can't let that happen again." Shoto, trying to inject a dose of reason into her relentless pursuit of perfection, questioned, "You got a 94 out of 100 last time, right? That's an excellent score."

But her response revealed the underlying pressure she placed upon herself. "Yes, but it's not enough," she admitted, her fatigue betraying her resilience. In her tired state, she unintentionally peeled back layers of vulnerability, exposing the internal struggle she wrestled with.

As she confessed the fear of not meeting her mother's expectations, Shoto offered words of comfort. "You're putting too much pressure on yourself. Your worth isn't solely determined by your scores," he gently reassured. Yet, the weariness in her eyes hinted at a deeper conflict, and she continued to share a vulnerable truth. "If I don't score 100% next time, I might never get recognized by my mother," she admitted.

In that moment, Shoto, understanding the weight of parental expectations, extended his support. "Momo, your worth goes beyond grades. You don't need a perfect score for validation. Your efforts are already commendable," he softly conveyed, attempting to ease the burden she carried.

As Shoto spoke words of comfort, he noticed the weariness finally overtaking Momo. Her eyelids drooped, and with a sigh, she succumbed to sleep right there amidst her books and notes.

Realizing the toll her dedication had taken, Shoto carefully lifted her into his arms, cradling her gently. Navigating through the quiet halls, he carried her to her dorm, a silent guardian ensuring her respite. As he laid her down, he couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility and empathy for the burdens she bore. Quietly, he left, leaving the room filled with a serene tranquility that contrasted the intensity of their academic pursuits.

 Quietly, he left, leaving the room filled with a serene tranquility that contrasted the intensity of their academic pursuits

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