Chapter 12: "Momo's Reflection"

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Momo and Shoto had just made a promise, one that would bind them together, no matter the path that life would take them. As they stood there, the warmth of their rekindled friendship enveloped them.

The mall's bright lights seemed to dim around them, and for a moment, it was as if time itself stood still. Momo, lost in the depths of her own emotions, was brought back to the reality of the present.

Momo's Pov:

Three years... it felt like an eternity without Shoto. Those days passed in a blur of loneliness and longing. I would come home from school, and the silence was deafening. I missed our shared laughter, our silly inside jokes, and those late-night conversations.

I remember staring out the window, watching the stars twinkle in the night sky, wishing Shoto was here to share those moments. We talked about our dreams, about becoming Pro Heroes together, but now... it all felt so distant.

The outings we used to enjoy, like trying out new ice cream flavors or going to the arcade, just weren't the same without him. Even the thought of it made me realize how much I missed him.

But now, now that he's back in my life, I feel a sense of wholeness. It's like a part of me that was missing has returned, and everything seems right again. I'm grateful for his presence, for the chance to make new memories and relive the old ones. With Shoto's return, I've found a renewed sense of purpose, and our friendship feels stronger than ever before.

Momo's monologue conveyed the depth of her emotions during those three years of separation and the importance of Shoto's return. It was a moment of introspection that strengthened her resolve to cherish their bond more than ever before.

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