Chapter 17: "Unraveled Fears"

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Shoto's steps toward the psychiatry were laden with the weight of overthinking, each footfall echoing his inner turmoil. The anticipation, the dread of what awaited him on the other side of that door, consumed his thoughts.

As he walked through the hospital corridors, his mind replayed every encounter he had had with her, the woman who had betrayed him and left a permanent scar on his face. He had grown physically strong, honing his Quirk and skills as a hero, yet he was aware that the emotional wounds still festered.

Meanwhile, Momo sat at her desk, ostensibly studying, but her thoughts drifted incessantly. Overthinking her practical abilities, she couldn't help but feel the overwhelming pressure of striving for perfection. Every missed detail, every failure in training, and every inadequacy ate at her confidence.

Back at the hospital, Shoto's arrival had the nurses in shock. His father had never been present, but Shoto was there to face the past he had tried to leave behind.

Soon, he stood before the door, the door that led to her, the woman who had orchestrated his suffering. Despite his physical strength, he couldn't shake the fear that had been etched into his soul. Yet, despite the trepidation, there was a desire within him to confront her.

Shoto inhaled deeply, gathering his resolve, and then he opened the door.

Shoto inhaled deeply, gathering his resolve, and then he opened the door

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The woman on the other side couldn't believe her eyes. He was here, standing before her. She observed him carefully, her thoughts racing to the time when he had been so small, the time when he had endured the unspeakable pain she had inflicted. She remembered the screams and the blood. She had expected hatred, resentment, and a thirst for vengeance, not this.

The silence hung heavy between them, with memories and the weight of years lost. Shoto was the first to break the silence. "I came here to make things right," he said, his voice filled with a mix of emotions. "To understand what happened that day and to help you, not to make you feel bad about it."

Her gaze met his, a complex tapestry of emotions in her eyes. She was taken aback by his presence and his willingness to confront the past. "I thought you would hate me," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

Shoto: Mom, I need you to know something. I've never hated you. I've carried anger, pain, and fear, but it was never directed at you. I don't blame you for what happened. I know you did what you had to do to protect me. I forgive you, and I want us to move forward together.

Rei: *Tears well up in her eyes* Shoto, I... I never expected...

Shoto: "It's okay, Mom. I just want to build a new beginning, a future where we can be happy and free from the weight of our past."

Rei:"Thank you, Shoto. I can't express how much this means to me."

The room is filled with the raw emotions of their reconciliation. Shoto's forgiveness has released the mother from the burden of guilt she had carried for years. They embrace, understanding that this is just the first step on their journey toward healing and building a brighter future.

 They embrace, understanding that this is just the first step on their journey toward healing and building a brighter future

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