Chapter 6: "The Unattainable Standard"

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Momo's excitement was palpable as she exclaimed, "Shoto, I did it! I got a 93 out of 100 on the test!"

Shoto, encouraging and proud, responded, "That's amazing, Momo! You've been working so hard. I'm proud of you."

Momo dialed her parents on FaceTime, anticipation in her voice, "I can't wait to show this to my parents. They'll be so proud of me finally."

Her parents appeared on the screen, and her mother looked at the score, unimpressed. "Oh, a 93? Well, that's not perfect, is it?"

Stunned and hurt, Momo protested, "But, Mom, I worked really hard for this!"

Her mother's disinterest was evident as she said, "Call us back when you get a perfect score. We're busy. Goodbye," and hung up.

Momo, teary-eyed and trembling, stared blankly at the laptop, her voice quivering, "As if she died that moment. I thought this would be it, that they'd finally be proud of me."

Shoto, in a gentle and supportive tone, reassured her, "Momo, you did your best, and it's an excellent score. You shouldn't have to be perfect to earn their love and approval."

With teary eyes, Momo admitted, "Shoto, you don't understand. I thought if I could just meet their standards, I'd finally matter to them."

Momo's realization hit her hard. What she had achieved wasn't enough, and the standard her parents had set was unattainable. She knew she had to push herself even harder next time, but she also began to understand the importance of self-worth beyond her parents' expectations.


This version conveys their emotions through their words and actions without the use of parentheses, emphasizing the emotional impact of Momo's parents' unattainable standards and the support Shoto provides.

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