Chapter 32 "Familial Discord"

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Endeavor faced off with Dabi from the League of Villains, leaving him in a state of anger and confusion. As he returned home, the weight of this encounter hung heavy on his mind.

Back at the Todoroki household, the family dinner turned into a battleground of emotions. Fuyumi's attempts at creating a warm atmosphere clashed with the underlying tensions, leading to an open confrontation.

In the midst of this familial discord, Shoto, while acknowledging Endeavor's heroism, sympathized with Natsuo's grievances. The dinner table drama brought to light the deep scars within the Todoroki family, each member grappling with their own pain.

Shoto's silent observation after the intense dinner spoke volumes about the complexity of their relationships. He acknowledged the past but remained cautiously hopeful about the potential for change.

After the emotional turmoil, Endeavor took a bold step to address the unresolved issues. He approached Natsuo in the backyard, setting the stage for a crucial conversation that would delve into redemption and the possibility of healing.

 He approached Natsuo in the backyard, setting the stage for a crucial conversation that would delve into redemption and the possibility of healing

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Natsuo, standing in the backyard, couldn't hide the bitterness in his voice. "You think you can just talk your way out of this, Dad? After all these years?"

Endeavor, determined to bridge the gap, responded with a solemn tone. "No, Natsuo. I know words alone won't fix the past. But I'm willing to listen, to understand your pain."

Natsuo scoffed, his frustration palpable. "Understand? You can't understand the hell you put us through. To Mom, Shoto and Toya.

Endeavor's gaze softened, acknowledging the pain. "I don't expect you to forgive me. I just want the chance to make amends, to be a better father."

Natsuo, torn between anger and a desire for resolution, retorted, "You can't erase the past, Dad. No amount of heroics changes that."

Endeavor sighed, realizing the immense challenge ahead. "I'm not seeking redemption through heroics. I want to rebuild what's left of this family, even if it takes time."

Their conversation unfolded in the quiet of the backyard, a fragile attempt at reconciliation amidst the scars of the past.


Sitting by the symbolic resting place for his son, Endeavor wrestled with the unresolved fate of Toya, whose body was never found. In this solemn moment, he contemplated the future, driven by a flicker of determination to seek redemption.

Haunted by the weight of his past, Endeavor envisioned a path forward — one where he could genuinely change, not just as a hero but as a father

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Haunted by the weight of his past, Endeavor envisioned a path forward — one where he could genuinely change, not just as a hero but as a father. He aspired to rebuild broken bonds and redefine his legacy, seeking redemption through tangible actions that would heal the wounds he had inflicted on his family.


Momo welcomed Shoto back to the dormitories, her eyes filled with optimistic curiosity.

Momo: "How was the family dinner, Shoto? Everything okay?"

Shoto, attempting to deflect and keep his struggles private: "It was fine, Momo. Don't worry about it."

Shoto, in that moment, decided to shield Momo from the complexities of his family turmoil. The weight of his unresolved issues with Endeavor was something he felt ill-equipped to burden her with.

Momo, sensing his evasion, pressed on with a hopeful smile: "Great! I'm glad to hear. So, anything interesting happen while I was gone?"

Shoto, reluctant to share his inner turmoil, changed the subject: "Not really. Just the usual. By the way, how's everything been here?"

Back when he opened up to her after the Nomu incident, a fleeting moment, Shoto had relished the vulnerability he shared with Momo, feeling a sense of happiness in being understood. However, as quickly as that moment emerged, a newfound determination set in. Shoto resolved to shield Momo from the labyrinth of his familial troubles, emphasizing the belief that solitude was the best recourse. In this conflicting emotional tide, Shoto unwittingly distanced himself, driven by the conviction that some battles were his alone to face.

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