Chapter 23: "Undercover"

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The train ride to Kamino Ward was filled with tension and a sense of urgency. As they discussed their plan to infiltrate the hideout, Momo's suggestion to dress in disguises resonated with the group.

"Since the villains already know our looks," Momo explained, "it would be wise to disguise ourselves. We don't want to make it easy for them."

The idea was met with varying degrees of enthusiasm. As the others easily found ways to conceal their appearances, the challenge lay before Shoto, whose striking bi-colored hair and eyes, coupled with a visible scar on his face, made him stand out even in a crowd.

As Shoto expressed his hesitation, he turned to Momo. "Do we really have to do this?"

Momo approached him with a determined glint in her eye. "The villains already have information about us. If we don't disguise ourselves, we could be recognized. Wait a second."

With a thoughtful expression, Momo suggested a black wig that would not only cover Shoto's distinctive hair but also the scar on the left side of his face.

"Your hair and eyes really stand out and-," she began, but quickly corrected herself. „Sorry forget it"

"Well, my hair really stands out, I know."
He changed the subject carefully

As she handed him the wig, she leaned in closer, her voice a soft, cautious whisper. "Shoto, please be careful. We don't know what we're walking into."

Shoto nodded, understanding the gravity of their situation. "I will, Momo."

After a short time, they were all ready, their disguises allowing them to blend into the bustling streets of Kamino Ward. Shoto, his striking features hidden beneath the wig, glanced at Momo.

"Momo, if we used your Quirk, we could have gotten these disguises for free, right?"

Momo's eyes widened briefly, and she stammered, "Th-Th- That's against the rules! If I just create things with my Quirk without any limitations, it could disrupt the economy and..."

Shoto raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "The economy, huh?"

Kirishima chimed in with a grin. "The lady just wanted to go shopping."

With the group now concealed in their disguises, they proceeded with their mission, knowing that they were one step closer to infiltrating the villain's hideout in Kamino Ward.

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