Chapter 27: "A Setback and a Helping Hand"

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The Licensing Exam had come and gone, and while some of their classmates had passed with flying colors, Shoto found himself among the few who hadn't. The weight of his failure bore down on him, a heavy burden to carry.

Momo couldn't help but notice the somber expression etched on his face. "Shoto, are you alright? You've been quieter than usual."

Shoto let out a sigh, his gaze distant. "I made a mistake during the exam. I let myself get provoked, and it cost me."

Momo placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "We all have our moments of weakness, Shoto. It doesn't define you. You'll have another chance."

Shoto appreciated her words of encouragement. "You're right, Momo. I can't dwell on this."

For Katsuki, the situation was more complex. His brash attitude and inability to work effectively with others had cost him a passing grade. Shoto understood the frustration that fueled his explosive temper.

Momo was also concerned for Katsuki, but it was Shoto who could empathize with the fiery boy's struggle. "Katsuki's pride can be a double-edged sword," Shoto commented. "He's a strong hero, but he needs to learn that there's more to being a pro than power alone."

However, Shoto realized that he had to take responsibility for his own improvement as well. The special course was a saving grace for students who had passed the first licensing exam, but it required a significant time commitment. As the lessons piled up, Shoto found himself grappling with his old nemesis: mathematics.

Momo noticed his struggles and recognized the signs of his frustration. She offered her help, concern evident in her eyes. "Shoto, I noticed you've been struggling with your math. Would you like some assistance?"

Shoto, appreciative of her support, gave a small nod. "I'd be grateful for your help, Momo. Thanks for being there."

Momo smiled warmly. "Anytime, Shoto. We're a team, after all."

After their tutoring session, Shoto and Momo decided to take a break and headed to the UA campus garden. The sun cast a warm glow over the vibrant flowers, creating a picturesque setting. They found a quiet bench nestled in the shade of a cherry blossom tree.

Sitting side by side, they exchanged smiles, a sense of camaraderie settling between them. Momo couldn't help but let out a contented sigh.

Shoto turned toward her, his eyes soft with gratitude. "Momo, thanks for helping me with math. It's not my strong suit, but you make it easier to understand."

Momo chuckled lightly, her cheeks tinted with a faint blush. "Well, we all have our strengths, Shoto. I'm just glad I could assist you."

Shoto's expression shifted to one of playful curiosity. "You know, Momo, there's something I've been wondering. How is it that you're so good at teaching? You explain things so clearly."

Momo's gaze met his, and a glimmer of pride danced in her eyes. "I suppose I've always had a knack for breaking down complex concepts. Plus, I think it's easier to teach something when you're passionate about it."

Shoto nodded in understanding. "Passion certainly makes a difference."

As they sat there, the quiet sounds of the garden surrounding them, it was a moment of simplicity and connection. Shoto and Momo found solace in their shared journey, each helping the other overcome their respective challenges.

The conversation was a testament to their growing friendship, a connection that continued to strengthen through the trials and triumphs of their lives as aspiring heroes.

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