Chapter 42 "Guilt Weighs Heavy"

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In the quiet aftermath of the war, the students of Class 1A found solace in the familiar comfort of their dormitory. Gathered on the couches, Tenya Iida initiated a conversation, recounting the events surrounding Mr. Compress's sacrifice.

As the discussion unfolded, Mina Ashido, changed the topic to the revelation of Dabi's true identity. The name, laden with implications for Shoto, cast a fleeting shadow over the room. Shoto, not wanting to confront the echoes of his family's past right now he came up with a new topic.

Shoto deftly shifted the conversation to Shigaraki, offering a temporary reprieve from the weight of recent events. However, Rikido Sato's unwitting mention of the forest battle unraveled the delicate equilibrium, exposing the haunting memory.

As Sato expressed a desire for my plan to have succeeded, an oppressive silence descended. Those words, unintentionally piercing, unraveled my composure. What appeared to be a simple wish revealed the complex tapestry of my guilt.

In Momo's internal world, each step down the corridor echoed not just the physical distance but also the fragments of regret that clung to her. The comforting halls seemed to transform into a silent battlefield, mirroring the turmoil within her. The mention of the forest battle, though unintentional, unraveled her composure.

"Ugh, why does it have to come up now? They're right... it was my plan, my responsibility. Sato's just wishing for the best, but the worst happened. I wish it worked too. Why did I even suggest that plan?" Momo questioned herself, her thoughts a chaotic mix of self-blame and frustration.

As she excused herself, the dormitory's qsilence contrasted sharply with the whirlwind of emotions inside her.


As everyone continued talking, Shoto decided to leave due to an impending headache. However, on his way, he stumbled upon Momo sitting alone on a bench, lost in thought.

"Do you need anything?" she asked, her voice holding a tinge of vulnerability.

"Just checking on you. You looked a bit... lost," Shoto replied, genuine concern etched on his face.

Momo managed a faint, bitter smile. "Lost is an understatement. I messed up, Shoto. Sato mentioned the forest, and suddenly it's all my fault."

Shoto sighed, "It's not just your burden to bear, Momo. We're a team."

She nodded, but the weight of guilt lingered. "I know, but it was my plan. I can't shake off this feeling."

Shoto placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Plans can go awry. We adapt. You're not alone in this."

As the conversation continued, Momo's self-critical thoughts grew darker. She began uttering awful things about herself, each word like a weight on her shoulders.

"I'm a failure. My plans always fall apart. Maybe Sato is right. If I had done better, Midnight-sensei would still be here."

Her voice trembled with self-blame, but she fought back the tears. Shoto, sensing her distress, gently interjected, "Momo, don't be too hard on yourself. No one blames you for what happened."

She shook her head, strands of hair falling out of place. "But I should've done better. I should've—"

Shoto interrupted, "We win some, we lose some. We're a team, and we face everything together. Your plans have saved us before, and they will again."

Momo struggled to hold back her tears, but they eventually spilled over. Shoto, with a comforting hand on her back, reassured her, "It's okay to feel this way, Momo. But remember, you're not alone. We'll get through this together."

Feeling overwhelmed by her emotions, Momo unexpectedly leaned in and hugged Shoto tightly. In that instant, the weight of the world seemed to settle on her shoulders, and she found solace in the warmth of their shared vulnerability. As the conversation continued in the background, Shoto, surprised but understanding, gently wrapped his arms around her, offering a silent reassurance.

They stood there in the hug, cocooned in a moment that transcended words. Momo's tears, a release of the pent-up tension within her, wet Shoto's shoulder, and he held her with a quiet strength. The dormitory's common room provided an unspoken sanctuary for them, a brief respite from the complexities of hero life.

After what felt like an eternity, Momo slowly let go, her eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and raw vulnerability. She looked up at Shoto, and in that shared gaze, an unspoken understanding lingered—an unbreakable bond forged in the crucible of their fears.

"Thank you," Momo whispered, a simple phrase carrying the weight of unspoken emotions. Shoto nodded, a silent acknowledgment of their shared burdens and the promise of support in the uncertain days ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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