Chapter 19: „The up comming Summer Camp"

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Momo and Shoto found themselves in the tranquil garden near UA High, taking advantage of the warm weather. They sat on a bench, basking in the dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves of the cherry blossom trees.

The conversation began with the recent surge in villain attacks and internships. Momo's concern for Shoto was evident as she spoke, "Shoto, you know how worried I was when you got hurt during the Stain incident. We can't afford to let our guard down."

Shoto nodded, his expression a mix of determination and gratitude. "I know, Momo. We have to keep pushing ourselves and be ready for anything."

Momo smiled warmly at his unwavering resolve. "Exactly, and that's why the upcoming summer camp is crucial. It's another opportunity to grow and prepare ourselves for the challenges that lie ahead."

Shoto shifted his attention to their impending summer camp, his brows furrowing in thought. "I agree. But there's so much to consider. It feels like we barely have a moment to breathe."

Momo's expression grew more serious as she added, "I can't imagine being there without you, Shoto."

As the words slipped from her lips, a sudden realization washed over Momo, and embarrassment colored her cheeks. Shoto's curious gaze only deepened her flush. She contemplated her unintentional confession while a silent monologue echoed in her mind, "Oh, why did I say that?"

Curiosity flickered in Shoto's bi-colored eyes, but before he could inquire further, Tenya Iida's voice rang out, interrupting their conversation. He appeared beside them with a sense of urgency. "Momo, might I request your assistance with some class representative matters? It's become quite overwhelming."

Momo nodded and rose to her feet, glancing apologetically at Shoto. "Of course, Tenya. I'll be right there."

Tenya expressed his gratitude as she followed him away. Left alone with his thoughts, Shoto couldn't help but wonder about Momo's words. What did she mean by not being able to imagine the summer camp without him? It was a question that lingered in the back of his mind.

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