Chapter 22: "Daring Decision"

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Shoto couldn't shake off the guilt that burdened his mind. The memory of how close they were to saving Katsuki Bakugo, yet how he had slipped through their grasp, haunted him. The responsibility weighed heavily on his shoulders.

Later at the hospital, Shoto crossed paths with Kirishima, who wore a similarly grim expression. Shoto initiated the conversation, voicing his guilt „What are you doing here?"

Kirishima nodded, sharing Shoto's sentiments. "I just couldn't stand still."

Their conversation shifted towards action as they both felt the need to act on their guilt and do something.

Deciding to check in on Momo, they quietly approached her room, where they couldn't help but eavesdrop on her ongoing conversation.

Inside, Momo was in discussion with the police and All Might about a tracking chip they had managed to place on one of the villains. The chip presented a glimmer of hope in their quest to locate Katsuki, and the group discussed its potential use.

Exiting Momo's room, Shoto and Kirishima felt more determined than ever. They had heard enough and made their decision clear. Guilt consumed them, and they couldn't bear the thought of not doing everything they could to rescue Katsuki.

Turning to Momo, they expressed their unwavering desire to join the rescue mission. Their faces portrayed a mix of guilt, determination, and a desperate need to make amends.

Her eyes bore into Shoto's, a mix of worry, determination, and desperation painted across her face.

"Shoto," she began, her voice filled with genuine concern. "I understand the guilt we all share about what happened to Katsuki, but this is a dangerous path we're considering. I can't bear the thought of any of you getting hurt, especially you."

Shoto met her gaze, the turmoil within him evident. "Momo, I can't just stand by and do nothing. I won't be able to live with that decision. Katsuki is our friend."

Momo's expression softened, but her determination didn't waver. "I know he's our friend, and I want him back as much as you do. But please, Shoto, we should trust the professionals to handle this. The police and All Might are doing everything they can. We need to have faith in them."

Shoto's bi-colored eyes displayed his internal struggle. "Momo, I can't just have faith and do nothing. I need to act. I need to make up for what happened."

Momo's voice trembled slightly as she continued to plead with him. "I'm not asking you to do nothing. We can support Katsuki in many ways. But directly engaging those villains is too dangerous. If something happens to you, I... I couldn't bear it."

Shoto's hand reached out to touch Momo's, a gentle and reassuring gesture. "Momo, I appreciate your concern, but I need to do this. I can't just watch from the sidelines."

Momo's gaze softened, her worry deepening, but she knew his resolve was unyielding. With a heavy sigh, she conceded, "Alright, Shoto. I can't change your mind. I'll think about it

Their conversation was emotionally charged, and Momo had done everything she could to dissuade him. But as their hands remained intertwined, they both knew that Shoto's commitment to saving their friend was unwavering, despite the dangers that lay ahead.

Unbeknownst to the group, Tenya had been eavesdropping, and he reached a decision of his own.

The following day, Shoto, Izuku, and Kirishima eagerly awaited Momo's response, their expressions a mix of anticipation and hope. Shoto reminds everyone „She can't be forced, it's her decision, and we have to respect that, regardless if we like it or not."

As Momo arrived, her response was as unexpected as it was determined. "I want to join your rescue mission. We need to save Katsuki."

Their expressions displayed their shared resolve, knowing that their course was set.

He doesn't say it, he is not really sure if it's a good idea, her joining, if something happens to her it will be his fault. He thought.

Tenya, understanding the stakes, decided to reveal his intentions. "I'll join you too," he stated after smashing Izukus face, a touch of concern in his voice. "But my main reason is to ensure that you don't take things too far or become reckless. We can't afford to lose anyone else."

Conversations had sparked a flurry of emotions, and their daring decision to form a rescue squad was taking shape, bound by their shared determination to save their friend, whatever the cost.

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