Chapter 35 "Festive Bonds"

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In the cozy warmth of the dormitory, Class 1A celebrated Christmas together. The festive atmosphere enveloped everyone, bringing joy and unity during the holiday season.

Amidst the laughter and shared moments, Shoto and Momo found themselves drawn to each other. As they decorated the Christmas tree, Shoto couldn't help but admire Momo's artistic touch.

In a quiet corner, away from the group's festivities, they exchanged heartfelt words. Shoto, with a faint smile, expressed, "I'm grateful for the moments we've shared, especially in this festive season." Momo, touched by his words, reciprocated the sentiment, savoring the warmth of their growing connection.

As the evening unfolded, Shoto approached Izuku and Katsuki with a proposition. With the uncertainty surrounding their missing mentors, he suggested forming a temporary alliance, pooling their strengths to navigate the challenges ahead.


Shoto approached Momo, a carefully wrapped box in his hands. The festive glow of Christmas lights cast a warm ambiance around them.

"Hey, Momo," he began, his usual stoic demeanor softening, "I got something for you." He handed her the elegantly wrapped gift.

Her eyes lit up with curiosity as she accepted it. "Shoto, you really didn't have to get me anything," she said, a slight blush tinging her cheeks.

"I thought you might like it," he replied, a faint smile playing on his lips.

As she unwrapped the present, a delicate necklace emerged, its design reflecting a quiet elegance that resonated with Momo's taste. She held it in her hands, marveling at the craftsmanship.

"Shoto, this is beautiful," she exclaimed, genuinely touched by the thoughtful gift. Her gratitude transformed into a bashful smile, and she glanced down, the blush on her cheeks deepening.

"I'm glad you like it," he responded, a subtle warmth in his expression. The exchange was a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken connection between them, adding another layer to the festive bonds they were building.


As Shoto left, Momo found herself holding the delicate necklace with a mix of joy and curiosity. The room seemed to echo with the warmth of the exchanged gift, and her thoughts began to dance in delightful patterns.

A soft blush lingered on her cheeks, fueled not just by the beauty of the necklace but also by the sincerity behind the gesture. She couldn't help but overthink, her mind replaying the shared smiles and the moments they had woven together.

"What does this mean?" she wondered, a playful yet pondering smile gracing her lips. Momo's imagination painted scenarios of shared glances and whispered conversations, each adding a layer to the unfolding story between them.

As she sat there, surrounded by the festive ambiance, Momo couldn't shake off the sweet uncertainty that made her heart flutter in the most endearing way possible.

While she ran her fingers over the delicate pendant, she told herself, "He probably didn't mean it that way." Trying to keep things simple, she convinced herself that Shoto's gift was just a friendly gesture.

As she thought about it more, Momo wondered, "Why was I even excited?" A little confusion lingered, making her question her own feelings. She couldn't deny a flicker of happiness when she received the gift.

Telling herself, "We're just friends," Momo repeated the idea to steady her thoughts. But deep down, she couldn't ignore the possibility that their connection might be more than just friendship.

So, as Momo thought about Shoto's gift, she couldn't shake off the feeling that there might be something more hidden behind the simplicity of the necklace.

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