Chapter 8: "Separation and Aspiration"

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Momo spoke with frustration etched on her face, "Shoto, I can't believe it. My mother enrolled me in that elite school meant for Business Administration."

Shoto's sympathy was evident as he replied, "I know, Momo. It's not what you wanted."

Determination filled Momo's eyes as she continued, "I tried to change it, but it's too late. I can't believe our paths are splitting, especially when I wanted to continue this journey with you."

Shoto, ever supportive, offered, "I wish you could join me at my school, Momo, but it's already full."

Disheartened, Momo confessed, "I don't want to take over the family business. I wanted something different, something of my own."

Shoto, understanding her struggle, said, "I know how much you wanted to be with me, but maybe this is a chance for you to find your own path."

Resigned to the inevitable separation, Momo admitted, "I know, Shoto. But it's hard to let go of what we had."

Shoto reassured her, his voice gentle, "Our bond isn't going anywhere, Momo. We'll find a way to keep it strong, no matter where we are."

Gratitude filled Momo's heart as she replied, "Thank you, Shoto. I know you're right. We'll face these challenges, even if we're apart."


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