Chapter 4: "A Bond Ignites"

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Shoto's breaths were still ragged as he sat beside the girl on the peaceful summit of Sekoto Peak. He had escaped the painful memories of his home, but the burden of his past still clung to him like a heavy shroud. Despite his racing thoughts, he managed to gather the courage to ask her, "What brought you here?"

The girl turned to him with a warm smile. "I went outside from home for the first time today. I wanted to take a look at the world before school enrollment," she explained. "I've been stuck in our big home for so long. It felt like the right time to explore."

Shoto felt a pang of curiosity, but something within him held him back from opening up. He couldn't bring himself to believe that anyone, especially this girl, could help him or that he even deserved to be heard. Instead, he decided to keep his own story locked away, hidden behind a stoic facade.

Nonetheless, they decided to introduce themselves. "I'm Shoto Todoroki," he said, his voice hesitant.

She smiled and replied, "I'm Momo Yaoyorozu. Nice to meet you, Shoto."

Despite the unspoken distance between them, Shoto and Momo felt a connection, an unspoken understanding that they both carried their own secrets and burdens. As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow over the world, they learned that they would be attending the same elementary school.

The realization filled the air with a newfound sense of camaraderie. They decided to get to know each other better, and as the evening unfolded, they shared stories, dreams, and even their favorite cartoon characters. The hours slipped by unnoticed as they spent the entire evening together, sharing laughter, thoughts, and feelings that had long been kept hidden.

As the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, they knew it was time to say goodbye, but it was a farewell filled with hope. Shoto and Momo had discovered something precious that day—a friendship that promised to be a source of strength, healing, and solace in the years to come. It was a bond that had ignited, and it would prove to be the foundation for a future where they could face their challenges together, emerging stronger than ever before.

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