Chapter 20: „Ennichi Festival"

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Shoto and Momo had crossed paths by chance at the Ennichi Festival, surrounded by the colorful stalls and lively atmosphere. Shoto couldn't help but compliment her yukata, which brought a subtle blush to Momo's cheeks. Emboldened, she asked him, "Would you mind escorting me through the festival?"

Suddenly, Ochako spotted Shoto in the crowd, and Momo instinctively tried to hide from her and Toru. She wanted this little adventure to remain their secret.

Walking among the festival booths, Momo ventured a question. "Do you like the festival, Shoto?"

He replied, "I don't particularly like or dislike it. I came to give it a try since I've never been to a festival before. Usually, families gather at festivals like this, and they seem to enjoy themselves. Of course they do it's normal." Shoto's words trailed off, and he suddenly felt apologetic. "I shouldn't have talked about this to someone else."

As he began to express his desire to head home, the night sky erupted with fireworks. Momo couldn't help but gasp at their beauty. She turned to Shoto and reminded him gently, "This is beautiful, isn't it? And, Shoto, I'm not just 'someone else.'"

The next day, both Toru and Ochako confronted Shoto, their curiosity piqued by his mysterious absence at the festival. As dense as he could be at times, Shoto responded directly, leaving no room for secrets. Momo entered the scene, and both of them acted as if they knew nothing, their shared secret safe for now.

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