Chapter 37 „Midnight Mayhem"

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In the dim light of the dormitory, Shoto, bleary-eyed and thirsty, made his way to the kitchen for a late-night drink. To his surprise, he found Momo sitting on the floor behind the counter, indulging in a late-night ice cream session.

"You saw nothing," she said, trying to conceal the evidence of her sweet escapade.

Shoto, not one to make a fuss, simply observed her for a moment before reaching for a glass to pour himself some water. Sometimes, the quiet moments in the dorms held unexpected surprises, like catching a friend in the act of enjoying a secret midnight treat.

As Shoto took a sip, one of the cabinet doors suddenly swung open, catching Momo's attention. Startled, she looked at Shoto, who nonchalantly suggested, "Just the wind."

Momo closed the door, but not without a teasing remark, "Maybe it was a ghost or something."

Shoto chuckled, "Ghosts don't exist. Wait, are you scared of ghosts?"

Momo insisted it was just a joke, but then a vase fell and shattered near her, making her jump to Shoto as she tears her fingernails into his arm, screaming. Shoto examined the scene and reassured her, "Relax, it was just a coincidence."

Momo, still clinging to him, concocted an elaborate story involving Tokoyami's Ouija board, glitter, Yuga, and an angry ghost. Shoto rolled his eyes and suggested it might be nothing. That's when Hagakure and Mina revealed themselves, admitting it was all orchestrated to playfully trick Momo.

„Jirou told us Momos fears, and the we payed a class 2 student with a telekinetic quirk to help us out" Mina said with a  mischievous laugh

„We only wanted to trick Momo but you Shoto happened to become our Victim too" Hagakure said while jumping around

"Victim? I knew it from the very beginning," Shoto said, annoyed.

„Jirou with you as my friend I don't need enemies. Shoto what happened to your arm? you are bleeding" Momo said concerned

„Ah thats nothing i just fought a grizzly bear." He said annoyed

„Wait really?" She said concerned

„This is your work, i would have rather fought the bear". He said

„Ah yes I remember, sorry" She said embarrassed


Mr. Aizawa appeared, a clear frown etched on his usually indifferent face.

"At 3:00? I'm waiting for a valid explanation for this," he stated, his eyes scanning the room for any signs of accountability.

Silence lingered in the air as everyone hesitated to offer an explanation.

"So, no explanation? Fine. Everyone in this room will be suspended for two days from class and will do chores in the meantime," Mr. Aizawa declared, his no-nonsense attitude prevailing.

Shoto, weary and seemingly unimpressed by the consequences, interjected, "And I still didn't get to drink some water."

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