Chapter 31 "Embracing Shadows"

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Shoto, seeking solace after the intense confrontation with his father, found himself in a quiet corner outside. The battle within him mirrored the chaos of the recent fight. A few minutes later, Momo joined him, understanding the need for a companion in such moments.

Momo: Shoto, that fight, you must be proud of your father.

Shoto, wrestling with conflicting emotions, remained silent, uncertain of how to articulate the complex feelings swirling within him. Momo gently pressed on, sensing his inner struggle.

Momo: Something's wrong, isn't it?

Shoto: I don't know. I'm just... confused.

Momo, offering her support, asked if he wanted to talk. Shoto, hesitant yet willing to share, spoke about his father—a man he despised yet worried about. He revealed the promise, the one he tried to forget, and the conflicting emotions tied to it.

As the weight of his emotions bore down on him, Shoto apologized for opening up. Momo, with a compassionate smile, assured him it wasn't a burden.

Momo: Shoto, expressing your feelings doesn't burden me. It shows strength.


Momo sensed the weight of Shoto's emotions, and she gently probed, "Shoto, is there something specific you're feeling confused about?"

He hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "It's just... I never expected to care. After everything, I thought I could shut him out. But seeing him fight like that, it stirred up things I thought were buried."

Momo nodded in understanding, respecting his boundaries. "Emotions can be complicated, especially when it comes to family. You don't have to figure it all out right now."

Shoto sighed, a mix of frustration and vulnerability in his eyes. "I wanted to hate him. I thought I did. But now, it feels like I'm stuck".

Momo offered a supportive smile. "It's okay not to have everything figured out. Take your time. Your feelings are valid, whatever they may be."

Shoto appreciated her understanding, the weight on his shoulders slightly lifted. "Thanks, Momo. I just needed to talk about it a bit."

As they continued the conversation, Shoto felt a subtle reassurance that he could navigate these complex emotions with Momo's support.


Momo gazed at Shoto's retreating figure, her mind swirling with thoughts and questions. As she wandered back inside, she couldn't shake the curiosity about Endeavor, the man who played the role of Shoto's father. Shoto rarely spoke about him, but from the glimpses he revealed, Endeavor seemed like an imposing and distant figure.

In the quiet of her room, Momo reflected on the complexities of fatherhood. Wondering about Endeavor's perspective, she couldn't help but question what kind of man he truly was. The hints of his actions painted a less-than-favorable picture, but she acknowledged the possibility that there might be more beneath the surface.

As Momo contemplated the mysteries surrounding Shoto's family, she couldn't escape the feeling that understanding Endeavor might be the key to comprehending Shoto's struggles and emotions. The desire to support him in navigating the complexities of his past tugged at her, driving her curiosity to learn more about the enigmatic man who shaped Shoto's life.

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