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I recently got married, not just recently I got married like today, the guy is handsome but his attitude is shitty which I certainly don't appreciate.

So now, I am standing in front of our house which we bought by contributing equally, the dude just left me outside, I mean no holding the door for me or some romantic shit you expect guys to do.

So yeah I am mentally prepared to see this marriage going south real soon but hey my mama raised no bitch so I do the only thing that comes to my mind I pick up my suitcase and enter the house, there I see him sitting on the sofa man spreading while tying something in his phone.

I walk over and stand in front of him, he looks up and into my eyes, his gaze questioning.

"We need to talk Mr Kim." I try to keep my tone as polite as possible.

"Sure, please take a seat." I nod and sit down on the sofa in front of him thank god I had changed my dress before leaving the venue in the bride's room.

We are sitting in front of each other, I am wearing a pair of black skin-tight jeans paired with a white shirt with a flannel shirt on top of it.

Taehyung, the man whom I married is sitting in front of me, round glasses perched on his nose, a beret covering his caramel brown hair, a long-sleeved pink shirt which is too big covers his torso while a pair of white loose pants cover his long legs, he puts his phone aside and focuses all his attention on me.

"Great, I think we should make a few rules in order to live peacefully." I go straight to the point, I know by his actions now that he is not the least bit interested in making it work.

"You have no problem being married to me? did you not have a boyfriend? You don't mind my attitude?" Though he tries to mask his curiosity by trying to appear nonchalant he fails, his eyes and tone being a dead giveaway.

I know lying won't get me anywhere with the man sitting in front of me, looking at me with a bit guarded and cold stare.

"I would be lying if I said I didn't expect a fairytale prince but hey we have got to make it work even if the frog we kissed did not turn out to be a romantic and charming prince."

He let out an offended gasp but before he could say something I raised my hand to motion him to stop so that I could continue.

"So, even though you are not what I wanted, we can't do anything about it. Now, to answer the rest of the questions, no I am not bothered by this marriage, it was necessary and it is good for both our companies, I get to become the CEO of mine and yours both because from what your father told me you have no interest in carrying on the family business. This so-called marriage can be considered as a symbiotic relationship between us. Now, your next question, no I did not have a love interest in anyone and I don't think we will be having any problems because of each other's attitude as long as we don't put our noses in each other's business."

As soon as I completed what I had to say he looked at me, his gaze impressed, corners of his lips turned up to form a small smile.

"Very well then. I do have something to confess before we delve into the discussion about house rules. I don't know if you have heard about Vantae the famous painter well that's me and as you know I have no interest in this marriage or business, I would prefer being a house husband. I will still work but I will have my studio in the house. You are okay with that?" his tone was strictly business, he was not in the mood to make small talk. Both of us were dead tired so I decided it's better not to stall and just get this conversation over with.

Maze Of Lies| Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now