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I was running through the forest, barefooted and someone was chasing me but I don't know who it is. I know they are dangerous and that if they caught me then what will happen to me is a fate worse than death.

I kept running, my breathing heavy, the thin cotton of my nightdress not enough to protect me from the harsh wind of the damp and cold forest, I could feel the earth beneath my feet as I ran, my breathing was heavy and harsh, my limbs burned with exertion as I ran, fear was gripping my heart like a snake coiling around its prey breaking its bones.

The sound of heavy footsteps behind me forced me to run faster and faster, tears streamed down my face and I could feel the branches break under my weight, I dared to look back to see who was following me but it was impossible to see due to the dense fog. My heart pounded against my chest, ready to jump out.

My breaths were visible in the cold night, the surrounding forest was quiet, too quiet. The silence was eerie and unsettling but I didn't have enough time to pay close attention to it, someone was chasing me and by the sound of their footsteps, they were only getting closer.

In my panicked state I didn't see where I was putting my foot and when my foot fell on a rock at the wrong angle, I fell. Before I could get up, I noticed that the sound of footsteps that were chasing me had stopped.

A light whistling could be heard, like a gentle eerie caress pulling me closer, I knew not to follow the sound.....I was breathing heavily, unable to move. I wanted to get up and run but fear had paralyzed me, the whistling was coming from all sides, surrounding me.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!!" I screamed terrified, my hands covered my ears and I bowed my head crying. The whistling stopped, I removed my hands from my ears, there was no sign of life around me, too quiet once again, I stood up and looked around.

Just as I turned around someone grabbed me from behind, hand on my mouth to muffle my screams, warm breath caressing my cheek, the person had grabbed my wrists to stop me from scratching at them and finally the person whispered, voiced deep, lips against my ear.

"I like you with your heart still beating phoenix, if I wanted you dead, I could have murdered you in your sleep more times than you can imagine."

I woke up with a start and saw the other side of the bed empty. I touched the side of the bed where Taehyung had slept, it was cold which meant he had been gone for a while, my heart lurched to my throat when the door to my bedroom suddenly opened.

I stared eyes wide with fear, when Taehyung entered the room I sat up stiffly.

"How is your arm?" Taehyung had a warm smile on his face as he set the tray of breakfast he had brought on the nightstand.

"It's ok." A drop of sweat cascaded down my forehead.

"Taehyung, can I ask you something?" I asked a little timidly.

"Sure anything." Taehyung poured a glass of juice and handed it to me.

"That day when I was shot, why didn't you panic? I can understand why Yoongi didn't he has seen worse things but Jimin was panicked and you have been sheltered all your life, why didn't you even flinch? Why were you so......calm?" As I asked this I saw a shadow of darkness cross over Taehyung's face, something dark swirled in his eyes, his body stiffened and just as soon as that darkness had come over his face it vanished and he relaxed.

"I guess adrenaline. I mean it's best to not panic in such situations so I guess my mind just made sure to not let me panic and focus on what's important. Which is you." Taehyung kissed my forehead as he said the last sentence and I would have believed everything he said had there not been that moment of darkness and stiffness of his body.

Maze Of Lies| Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now