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You woke up sweating, tears cascading down your cheeks, breathing heavily.
"Y/n? Sweetheart, what happened?" Taehyung cradled you in his arms making sure not to jostle your injured arm.

"Water please." You croaked out, throat too dry. Taehyung picked up the jug of water from the bedside table and filled a glass for you.

"Hey slow down." Taehyung rubbed your back soothingly as he saw you gulping down water. You slowed down a little, there was a part of you that wanted to push his hand off of you.
You were still distrustful of him, Yoongi was right no one was to be trusted. The sun wasn't even up when you looked out the window.

"What time is it?" You asked between taking sips of water.

"4 'o'clock." He said after checking the bedside clock.

You heard shouting, the voice sounded familiar so you and Taehyung rushed downstairs, you used the door camera to see a very red-faced Kim Seokjin outside. You nodded at Taehyung to allow Seokjin entry. As soon as the door was open, Jin pushed past Taehyung followed by Jungkook.
"I was out of the country, I came as soon as I could. My poor kiddo, who hurt you, tell me their name and they won't see today's sun. Also, I heard what your sister did, a little bit, Yoongi didn't give me details over the call, I promise I already sent your family a little surprise but all of that later. Oh god, you look so pale, did you take any painkillers? Is it hurting?" Seokjin rambled on so fast that it was hard to keep up with what he was saying.
"Hyung!" Jungkook drew Jin's attention to himself. Taehyung was looking at him warily seeing Jungkook's tattoo-covered arm for the first time, I noticed that Kook had made a few additions with the back of his hand being inked as well now.
"Calm down." Jungkook levelled Jin with a look that indicated that he should stop the pestering for a while. He guided me to the couch and sat on the coffee table in front of me.
"Who?" His tone stated that he was not in the mood for jokes and was out for blood.
"I don't know." I shrugged and he sighed.
"Yoongi didn't tell us much. We deserve to know what happened." Jin speaks up from behind Jungkook.
"I know. Take a seat, it might take a while." I said as I leaned back on the couch getting comfortable, I gestured for Taehyung to take a seat but he looked like he didn't wish to be near a pissed of Jeon Jungkook but reluctantly took a seat a little far from me.
As I recited everything that had happened from Hawaii till now, Jin's face turned more and more red as the story progressed and Jungkook's jaw was clenched tight, his hands formed into fists.
"That bitch." Jin breathed out.
"You shouldn't have saved her, butterfly." Jungkook spoke through gritted teeth, his words seemed to have drawn Taehyung's attention whose gaze narrowed as he glared at Jungkook.
"She is family Jeon." I tried to reason with him. emphasis on the word "tried" because once Jeon believed someone was a piece of shit, it was impossible to change his view and in his eyes, my sister was not a piece of shit but a whole ass bucket full of shit who he had wished death upon more than once.
"Was. She was part of your family butterfly, not anymore."
"Where were you?" I asked curious as to where Jungkook had been.
"I was overseas for work. Do you who Soo In's boyfriend is?" Jungkook asked as he evaded the topic about his work which wasn't anything unusual.
"Does Soo In know where he is right now?"
"I don't know."
"What about-"
"I think we should let them rest Jungkook. It has clearly been a rough day. You can interrogate her later." Jin interrupted Jungkook.
Jungkook nodded as he got up to leave, he offered me his hand to help me get up which I gladly took as I wished to see my friends off.
"I am just a call away, you call and I will be there to rip anyone who dares harm you to shreds." Jungkook's words were full of promise, he walked ahead of me with Jin as the two of them said their goodbyes to me and promised to meet me tomorrow.
I closed and locked the door as soon as they left only to find myself caged between Taehyung and the door, both of his hands rested on either side of my head and his face was so close to mine that I could feel his breath fanning my cheeks.
One of his hands moved to caress my cheek as he moved closer, his lips trailing from my cheek to my ear, my heart was beating so fast that I was afraid he might be able to hear it.
"You know what I feel for you is more than friendship?" His voice was husky and deeper than the ocean as he whispered near my ear gently tugging on the ear lobe with his teeth.
I nodded but that was enough as his hand moved from my cheek to my chin, gripping it with his index finger and thumb, he made me lift my head as he caressed my bottom lip with his thumb.
"I need your words, phoenix. Tell me, do you know about my feelings for you?" He kept placing soft kisses against my cheek.
"I do." My voice came out shakier than I would have liked but it seemed to satisfy him as he pulled back just enough to look at my face, to look me in the eyes.
"What do you feel for me, my darling?" His voice was making me go into a trance like a siren pulling a sailor to his doom and lose himself in the sea.
"I don't know." I spoke breathlessly as his lips hovered above mine, his hand slithered from my chin along my curves and finally, he wrapped his arm around my waist.
"You don't know, it's okay we can figure it out. How do you feel when I do this?" Taehyung said as he trailed his lips against my exposed collarbones, pressing gentle kisses.
"Good. It feels good." I breathed out, I moved my uninjured hand to his nape but he stopped me, pinning it to the door beside my head.
"I got my answer sweetheart." He smiled against my neck and moved to press a kiss to the edge of my lips, when his lips didn't meet mine in a kiss I let out a whine involuntarily.
He chuckled as he picked me in his arms bridal style making sure not to jostle my wounded arm, he walked to my bedroom making me lay on the bed, and he laid down beside me.
He was lying on his side, his head propped on his arm as he looked at me with an emotion that made heat pool in my stomach. I kept my eyes on him, neither of us willing to look away until I decided sleep was more important after a few minutes of having closed my eyes. Taehyung moved his hand to remove a stray hair from my face to behind my ear when he thought I was asleep.
"I know you don't trust me." He leaned forward to press a kiss to my forehead and laid back down.
I don't know why he always did this, saying cryptic things whenever he thought I was asleep. I knew I had to tell Yoongi about this, I knew he would want me to stay away from Taehyung after hearing this but I guess it was too late, I was already addicted to the enigma that Kim Taehyung was.

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