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"Taehyung-ssi, are you free tonight?"

Taehyung looked up from where he was eating his breakfast, his eyes furrowed in confusion.

"Yes, we both are free tonight, I hope you haven't forgotten the fact that we have to discuss the house rules."

"I will get back to that topic in a moment, first tell me, do you own a suit?" I asked, trying to hide how nervous I was.

"I do, I would prefer you tell me why you are asking such questions." He put down his cutlery, his eyes boring into mine. I decided to put my poker face on and just go through with what I had in mind.

"There is a business party tonight with some of our company's partners and several businessmen, I think we should go together seeing as now you are a public figure due to being my husband." As I finished talking, he pushed his almost empty plate of waffles away and sighed.

"You do know that I do not like crowds, why can't you make an excuse?"

"Your father asked me to bring you to the party but if you do not wish to be there then I can come up with an excuse for your absence." He rubbed his forehead.

"What about the house rules discussion?"

"It does not matter we both have managed to be a bit civil without the rules till now, I am sure we will be able to manage in the future as well. Please let me know your decision about the party." I said getting up from my seat and walking towards the door.

I drove my car through the busy roads when my phone rang, I pulled up on the side of the road and picked up the phone to see my father-in-law calling me.

"Hello Mr.Kim, how are you?"

"I am great dear. Tae's mother has asked me to tell you to bring Taehyung to the party, will you be able to do it?"

"I will try my best Mr Kim." I hung up the call and started to count to 10 in my head as soon as I counted ten, my phone rang again, I knew who it was and a smirk formed on my lips as I picked up the call.

"Did Tae's appa call you?" Mrs Kim asked, cutting to the chase.

"Good morning, Mrs Kim. Mr Kim called me and asked me to bring Tae to the party."

"Anything else you want me to do?" she asked, her tone excited, probably wanting to become mine and Tae's wingwoman.

"No, thank you for the help Mrs.Kim" Before I could hang up Mrs.Kim spoke again.

"Sweety, I appreciate you trying to give this relationship with Taehyung a chance but why do you want him at the party?"

I was expecting this question and decided to tell her the truth but this was something to be discussed face to face rather than on call and I was getting late for work so I decided to ask Mrs Kim to have lunch with me today, promising to explain everything, she readily agreed and I drove to work.



Mrs.Kim arrived at the building and was escorted to my office as instructed by me to my secretary while I was busy in a meeting.

As soon as I entered, I was engulfed in a hug by Tae's mom.

"Where are we going to eat?"

"I hope you don't mind but I have something to discuss that is better said in my office than out where someone can hear us. I have asked my secretary to bring food to my office, it will be here shortly."

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