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As soon as Jin walked into the room and sat down next to me with a tense smile on his face Jungkook dropped the bomb on us.

"Soo-In's boyfriend is dead, it had nothing to do with me, I didn't order it. He is dead, shot at point blank." Jungkook spoke grimly.

"So we don't have any leads about who might have ordered a hit on Y/N?" Jin raised a brow.

"Not yet. I did find something rather intriguing about her husband, he served in the military for only one year of his mandatory service and then he was discharged on the basis of mental health problems but that's not the alarming thing....." Jungkook tone made it clear that whatever he was about to say wasn't good news.

"Just spill it, don't bother with the theatrical pauses, it pisses me off." Y/n spoke, her heart beating faster, she had a feeling her intuition about her husband being dangerous was about to be very true.

"He specialized in the interrogation of enemies. I think that says enough. He earned quite a reputation for himself that way and from what I have found out, the sight of all the blood and torture didn't bother him at all, like he was used to it. I suggest you don't stay with him anymore Y/N. I can't find details about his childhood, it's like it has been wiped from the face of this world. Taehyung is dangerous, he was one of the best in the forces but he was forced to retire, the reasons are unknown. The higher-ups who ordered his forced retirement are all dead anyone who could possibly know the reason is somehow dead." Jungkook looked Y/n in the eyes, a solemn look on his face, Yoongi's hand came up to rest on Y/n's uninjured shoulder.


"What if it's someone who is trying to warn you about someone hurting you or me. you never know who might harm you, after all, you are at a high post in the company. There are a lot of people who want you dead at any cost."

"I like you with your heart still beating phoenix, if I wanted you dead, I could have murdered you in your sleep more times than you can imagine."

"I know you don't trust me."

"I like you with your heart still beating phoenix, if I wanted you dead, I could have murdered you in your sleep more times than you can imagine."

All the cryptic things Taehyung used to say to me while thinking I was asleep run through my mind as my breathing gets heavier. I always had a feeling he was dangerous, a part of me was always scared of him and the look undecipherable look he gave me sometimes made me want to jump off a roof due to how much it twisted my insides while tried to decipher it.

It never mattered how much I was trying to read Taehyung and his body language because he was busy reading me like I was an open book, he never gave away anything more than he wanted. Was it all just fabricated? Was he the one behind the attacks? If yes then why?

I didn't notice my friends calling me until Jin gently shook my shoulder, I was startled.

"He could have killed me. He once said to me that he preferred my heart still beating and if he wanted me dead then I would be dead."

As the realization of how dangerous it was for me to let my guard down around Taehyung set in, my mind started remembering all the small details, from the indecipherable looks to the short and clipped answers whenever I picked the topic of childhood.

Was I really a phoenix? Or was I just like a puppet who was thinking they were the orca of the sea while the megalodon played with its prey?

"Should we confront him?" My voice came out shakier than I expected.

Maze Of Lies| Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now