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Author's note: Songs that can be enjoyed while reading this chapter are:

Instrumental of Attention by Charlie Puth. (You can also listen to the non instrumental version.)

Instrumental of Let me know by BTS (You can also listen to the non instrumental version.)

I was busy checking my emails while sitting on the couch when the doorbell rang, Taehyung came out of the kitchen where he was helping Mrs Geum cook, he walked to the door and unlocked it while I closed the lid of my laptop to see who was visiting right now cause our friends were not supposed to be here for another half an hour.

"So sorry, I am late Tae. It was all Jimin's fault he said he wanted to look good in front of your wife. You know how long he takes to get ready." A tall guy said while walking inside followed by a much shorter guy who was perched on top of Taehyung's back piggyback style.

"I am sorry, Taetae. I just wanted to look good." Said the guy perched on Tae's back, with bubble gum pink hair, his lips pouted, cheeks puffed. He looked like a mochi, cute and fluffy.

"Where is your wife?" the third guy asked looking around and giving me a heart-shaped smile, his smile bright enough to rival the brightness of the sun, all three of the strangers who entered mine and Taehyung's home and presuming from their actions I guess are Taehyung's friends, are much more chirpier and cheerful than Tae.

"Jimin you are not late today if anything you are earlier by half an hour."

"What?" the three guys asked at the same time.

"I told you your watch was faulty Namjoon. Why did you not listen to me?" the guy, Jimin said, glaring at the tallest guy, who looked sheepish and smiled a dimpled smile.

"Sorry." Namjoon said while rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Well, I guess introductions are in order. Y/N the tall guy with dimples here is Namjoon, the one with the bright smile is Jung Hoseok and this is-"

"I am Jimin, I am Taehyung's soulmate." Jimin said with a smile.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry. I did not know you and Tae were together, no wonder he is so cold." I said hastily while Jimin started laughing.

"No we are not together, he is my platonic soulmate, my best friend." Jimin clarified while giggling.

I nodded and then Namjoon and Hoseok started to introduce themselves properly, Hoseok saying he prefers to be called Hobi rather than Hoseok. Before we could indulge in conversation any further the doorbell rang again and this time by the incessant ringing I knew my friends were here.

I opened the door only for my arms to be filled with a basket containing a bottle of wine, fruits, cheese and some type of bread as my best Friend Seok Jin stormed past me screaming 'Took you long enough to open the door' followed by Jung Kook and Yoongi who smiled at me while walking in.

When I reached the living room with the basket, I saw, Seok Jin already introducing himself to Taehyung.

"Oh, so you are the one who married her. congrats on ruining your life by marrying a workaholic." Jin said while shaking hands enthusiastically with Taehyung.

"I am not a workaholic." I huffed.

"Yeah. Keep saying it till you believe it yourself." He said, he soon stopped shaking hands with Tae when his eyes fell on Namjoon who was sitting on the sofa looking at Seok Jin with something which I can only describe as heart eyes.

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