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Author's note: Songs that can be enjoyed while reading this chapter are:

Egoistic by MAMAMOO (Instrumental but you can listen to the actual one as well.)

CYPHER 4 BY BTS (Instrumental but you can listen to the actual version as well.)


The ride to Taehyung's parent's home was silent as I drove through the traffic which was not as bad as yesterday.

"Tell again why you are insisting on us putting on a show for our parents about how deeply in love we are." I asked a bit puzzled by Taehyung's wish for us to act like a couple in front of our parents.

"Because it is important." He said, clearly irritated and not in the mood to talk.

"Why is it important Taehyung-ssi? Either you tell me or I am going to park the car right here in the middle of the road. As far as I know, our parents know that this an arranged marriage, a business deal and nothing more." I said, my hand on the key ready to turn off the car engine then and there.

"UGH, you are insufferable?" he groaned.

"Because you are not giving me answers."

"Fine, I am asking this of you so that our family does not interfere in our life. I am sure if they were to find out we are not happy then they are going to try to be our wing person. I don't want that, I would rather kiss you than have them be my wingperson." He muttered.

I nodded, still trying to wrap my head around his logic. He did have a point knowing our parents, they will try to set us up in situations where we might get attached, as he said, I certainly don't want that, I have work to do and their 'plans' will surely ruin my schedule. So although a bit begrudgingly I agree to go along with his plan and the smug smirk he flashes at me makes me want nothing more than to hit his head.

As we stand in front of the large oak doors, I hold a bottle of wine in my hands and just when there is a shadow of someone behind the door is seen from the little space under the door, Taehyung wraps his arm around my waist, pressing his lips to my cheek at the same time as the door opens, my eyes widen, as my face burns bright red due to embarrassment, Taehyung's mother who opened the door, flashes a knowing smile and a wink our way while Taehyung pretends to look embarrassed. I swear the bastard should get a bloody Oscar for his acting. I hand the bottle of wine to Mrs Kim, she guides us to the living room where Mr.Kim and a girl in her teen years seem to be too engrossed watching the news.

I lose myself in it, they are talking about the stock market when I hear a loud 'oppa' and the teenage girl comes running to Taehyung, wrapping her arms around him, he smiles and pulls away from the hug.

"Seok kyung, how are you?"

"I am great oppa, sorry I could not attend your wedding."

"It's alright how did the competition go?" he asked, eyes full of excitement, at that time Yoongi's words flashed through my mind, maybe seeing Tae's beautiful smile directed at me was something to fight for but I was not sure.

"What do you think? I won first prize." The girl says excitedly.

"I am so proud of you." He says as they both hug again, I watch the interaction with fondness, I had heard about Tae's little sister not being able to attend the wedding but I did not expect Tae and his sister to be this close.

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