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AUTHOR'S NOTE: This chapter has author's p.o.v. You might see this type of P.O.V in the following chapters as well, let me know if you have a problem with it.




You and Taehyung were enjoying your day together, exploring the local market and checking out the food on small stalls, some of which were better than many of the cuisines you had tried in the five star restaurants.

It was in the evening that you two were sitting in an outdoor restaurant, on a picnic bench and enjoying the specialty of Hawaii the Kalua chicken. There was a girl singing beautiful melodies, it has been two days since tae and you became friends and he has shown a whole new side to you, the one that is playful, sweet, cute and adorably funny.

The two you were already full and now were just sitting there enjoying the ambience, the singer stood in a tiki hut in the middle of the restaurant which was decorated aesthetically with Fairy lights.

Taehyung stared at me with a mischievousness in his eyes, your raised your brows as if to ask him what was going in his head, he simply smiled, stood up and with a dramatic flourish he offered his hand to you, asking for a dance.

An amused smile made it way to you lips as you accepted his offer, he pulled you closer by the waist while the other one held your hand. You rested the hand which was not in his grasp on his shoulder.

The two of you danced in time with the song, a smile on both your lips, he moved you both to where the other couples were dancing, the smile plastered on your face only widened when an old couple came and started a beautiful duet.

There was respectable distance between the two of you, eyes unmoving from each other's face, bodies moving in sync, laughing lightly when you accidently stepped on his foot while dancing, he twirled you, laugher and happiness surrounding the two of you.

He pulled you closer, your head resting on his chest when a slow song started playing, your arms wrapped around his neck, his arms not embracing your waist.

The beautiful moment was broken when you heard the voice of the person you did not desire to see.

"Hello, sister dear." You pulled away from Taehyung to meet your sister's eyes who flashed you a genuinely gentle smile.

"Let's go Tae." You held Tae's hand and handed the waiter your card for the bill. You started moving away from the dance floor with tae when your sister called after you again. As soon as the waiter gave you your card back, you started walking out but your sister intercepted you just as you were about to walk out.

"Get out of my way." You said through gritted teeth while she looked at you pleadingly.

"Please just give me a chance. I need to talk to you." Soo In had an urgent tone in her voice. She stood in my way.

You were too angered by her betrayal, she had taken away every happiness of yours since you were young, it was because of her that your dreams were crushed and so, you were too fueled by anger to pay heed to whatever she had to say.

"I don't like repeating myself and you know it so, move away before I seriously hurt you."

"I know I have hurt you before but please its important."

"Yeah? Well sorry I don't have time to clean up any mess you made."

"It a matter about life and death." She called after you and tae as, you pushed her away and walked out of the restaurant with Taehyung, who hadn't spoken a word in the last few minutes.

"Go ahead die. I couldn't give two fucks about it."


That made you stop in your tracks.

"Trust me, I would not be here if it wasn't about your life. I felt too ashamed to face you but this is matter that should be discussed face to face so, here I am." Her eyes were shining with unshed tears.

"Such discussions shouldn't be done in public either. Get in the car." The three of you walked to your car and drove to your hotel.

Soo In sat in front of you a glass of water in her hand. Taehyung and you stood side by side, Taehyung hadn't said a word but his calculative gaze made it clear the contempt he felt for your sister.

"What do you wish to discuss?" Taehyung for the first time, an edge in his voice, cold and composed.

"I need to discuss it with my sister alone."

"Whatever you need to discuss can be discussed in front of my husband."

Soo In nodded and took a deep breath.

"I know you have been receiving death threats and I know you were attacked before the wedding as well."

"Where did you get that information?"

"I know who did it."

"Who is it?"

"My boyfriend, he is a part of this gang and they have received an anonymous contract for murdering you."

"You have a criminal boyfriend?" your voice was full of anger, eyes glaring daggers at your sister who tried to appear as small as possible.

"Out of everything I said, you want to focus on that?" she tried to divert the topic.

"Yes I do, do you know anything else?"

"No this is all I know." Soo In bit her lip.

"What about your boyfriend?"

"I told him that I am going to tell you everything and here I am."


"What did I do? I just want to save you." Her tears started falling from her eyes.

"For all we know he could have followed you here to kill me." soo In's eyes widened.

"I am so sorry, I did not think about that."

"Of course you didn't. You cant possibly think of anything with how low your IQ is." You said through gritted teeth, moving forward ready to land a punch when tae held you back.

"We need to worry about how we are going to deal with this situation. For all we know, her phone could be bugged."

You nodded and motion for your sister to hand you her phone you, wrapped it in a few towels and placed it under the bed.

"I am going to call and see what can be done. We are getting out of here as soon as possible, hopefully before dawn. Soo-In, you said your boyfriend is the one who is assigned to kill me right? Why font you go lock the windows and the balcony and draw the curtains. Hopefully if your boyfriend is here then he wont shoot you. Tae please lock the main door, close all unnecessary light."

"Why do we need to close the lights?" Soo-In stared at you confused.

"For once in your life do as told." She ducked her head and went away to follow your instructions.

Taehyung stared at you for a few second before he too went away to do as told while you contacted the only person you knew could help you and Taehyung along with your sister get out of there as soon and as quietly and stealthily as possible.

"Yoongi." You said as you heard him pick up the call.

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