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Trigger Warning:


Mention of gore

Description of violence

Minor Character Injury

Mention of PTSD


MUSIC RECOMMENDATION FOR THIS CHAPTER: (Its a playlist actually, I am gonna link it.)

Name: [Playlist] songs that make you feel revenge is the purest emotion

By: Red Run



I was in my studio working on a sculpture when my phone rang, I ignored it the first few times but when it kept ringing, I finally picked it up.

"WHAT?!" I screamed. I didn't like being disturbed during my creative streak.

"Y/N is in the hospital." I could hear the familiar voice but I didn't know who it belonged to.

"Who is this?"

"Jungkook. Is this seriously your reaction to the news?" I could hear the agitation clear in his voice.

"What happened?" I remained calm.

"Its not something that can be talked about over call. Come to the hospital, I have sent some of my men and a bulletproof car to pick you up."

"I am coming."

The call hung up. I knew something was wrong. I waited and as soon as I car stop outside the house with people saying that Jungkook sent them, I asked the guards that had been assigned the duty to protect me to verify the identities of the men.

Once we received the confirmation from Jungkook that they were his men, I finally opened the door and got in the car. I opened my phone, the notification of the latest headline had me shivering.

"Carnage at Michelin star restaurant, 29 people dead, 1 gravely injured and 12 survivors."

I immediately opened the article and the media had managed to leak a picture of inside of the restaurant, the place looked right out of a slasher movie's more gore scene.

From the picture, one of the walls of the restaurant appeared to be blasted, a number of bodies strewn on the floor, some closer to the blasted walls. Before I could observe more, the sight closed on its own, it appears the government got to it and had the article removed.

The scene of carnage brought back old memories, I gripped my phone tighter trying to will away those memories.

"That's my boy. Good job Taehyung. Filet them like a fish, son." His voice still rung through my head.

I knuckles turned white and soon I felt something drip down my hands, I looked over to my hands noticed that the house keys I was holding had now turned red due to my blood.

One of the guards looked at me with raised brows but I didn't pay attention to him, I took out my handkerchief and wrapped it around my bloodied hand to stop the bleeding, I would get it seen at the hospital, I was going there anyway.

Maze Of Lies| Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now