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"What do you mean?" The concern was evident in Yoongi's voice.

"It's not something to discuss over call, I will tell you everything when I get back."

"Can I trust you to stay safe?"

"Now more than ever."

I heard the shower turning off so, I told yoongi that I will talk to him later.

Taehyung was quietly staring at something on his phone while waiting for the room service to deliver our foof when I decided to move onto the next part of the plan.


He hummed to show that he was listening.

"Please put the phone down and listen will you." He huffed and placed his phone on the table, staring at me blankly.

"What?" he crossed his arms against his chest.

"I think we should try to get to know each other better."

"Why?" he sounded so offended that, I felt myself getting angry but I knew getting angry will not help me achieve what I want so, I took a deep breath and proceeded.

"It's better if we get to know each other and become friends, I don't think either of us would to spend the rest of our lives with a stranger."

"Who said I will be spending the rest of my life with a stranger?" There it was again the dark gleam in his deep brown eyes, a hint of a menacing smile on his lips.

I was shocked how blatantly he was hinting at my death coming for me very soon but I had no proof that he may be the one wanting me dead so I again calmed myself and tried to get through to him.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Who said I will be married to you forever?"

"Neither of us can now get out of this marriage without tarnishing our reputations as well as the company's. So what is it that you are hinting at?" I leaned at the table, while he sat there relaxed as ever.

"I will divorce you soon, it wont tarnish mine, my family's or my family business's image." The confidence was dripping from his tone and body language and that was when I decided that I did not like how cocky he was getting, it was about time I pulled him back on earth, down from whatever cloud he sat on.

"Let me tell you, Kim Taehyung-ssi, you have already told the media that you wont be taking business, your parents don't trust anyone. If you give me a divorce then it wont do shit to my image, everyone knows who I am and how powerful I am with or without a spouse. The divorce will affect you more than me, I can rebuild my company, compensate the losses we will suffer but what about you? You cant reveal your identity as Vantae and if you were to try and defame me or my family, I will be standing on your doorstep with a lawsuit." It was my turn to smirk, I leaned back in my chair, my arms crossed behind my head and I rested my feet on the table.

Taehyung's smirk had fallen off of his face, his eyes glaring at me.

"What if you are murdered?" His facial expressions were passive but his tone had a dark undertone and truth be told, I felt a bit scared of him.

"Then I die but it is not soo easy to kill me." he nodded, a contemplative look on his face, eyes still looking at me with a calculative gaze.

"Alright. What do you wanna do to get to know each other better?" I gave him a small smile and the bell of the room rang.

Maze Of Lies| Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now