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AUTHOR'S NOTE: All my research about the places is based on what i have read on the internet so please forgive me if there are some mistakes.

We were told that we could take a ride straight from our hotel to the place which we had decided to visit but I insisted for us to join the other travellers a little later and be picked up from a place a little farther from our hotel.

I parked the car, gesturing to Taehyung to get out, taking out the bags from the trunk I handed Tae's bag to him while I took his camera bag and my bag.

I knew Tae was curious but did not ask anything so I kept quiet as well. A few moments later a tour vehicle stopped in front of us. Without a word, we both got up on it taking the empty seats which were thankfully side by side.

"Should I be worried?" Taehyung asked cautiously.

"About what?"

"About you maybe murdering me or throwing me into a waterfall or something?"

"Where did you get such a crazy idea from?" I was exasperated by his question.

"They showed it in a K- Drama."

"First of all, no I am not going to push you into any waterfall, second, you need to stop watching such series. Throwing you in a waterfall, I am not dumb." I saw Tae heave a relaxed sigh so, I decided to mess with him.

"If I were to kill you it would not be in front of so many people. I would make it look like an accident sweetheart. I don't like leaving evidence." I winked at him and saw him swallow in fear.

"What?" his voice was meek.

"Don't worry handsome, I am not going to kill you." Taehyuung went lax in his seat.

"Yet." I added and he went rigid, staring at me out of the corner of his eyes, mouth gaping.

"Don't worry, I am just kidding." Taehyung was still staring at me but I decided to just play some games on my phone to pass the time.

A few minutes later I heard the shutter of a camera and saw Tae clicking pictures with his phone's camera and looking at them, not very pleased with the way they turned out. I passed him his camera bag and saw the bright smile that graced his lips. He took out the camera handing the bag back to me.

When the tour vehicle stopped and everyone started getting out I shook Tae out of whatever trance he was in while smiling happily at the pictures he took.

"So, this is our very famous Bakery. Punalu'u Bake Shop. The sweet bread from here is very famous, please feel free to use the restroom and enjoy some light breakfast as we also have a small picnic at our next stop. We will be here for the next 25 minutes so, please enjoy yourself and feel free to take as many pictures as you want."

Taehyung first went to the open space behind the shop where he stared in awe at the scene before him, I saw him reach for his camera as if on reflex and click pictures of the space with several gazebos surrounded by beautiful flowers.

"They said that we can roam the culinary garden as well." Taehyung looked at me expectantly.

"Would you like for me to accompany you?" I knew he was going to say yes but I still teased him.

"If you insist."

"I do not insist, I don't want you to be uncomfortable." All of a sudden the certain shyness that had taken over my husband's features vanished as he pouted.

Maze Of Lies| Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now