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"You were supposed to be married to my sister."

"I did not know you had a sister. There is no news about her. did she attend the wedding?" Taehyung's eyes looked at me curiously looking for answers.

"She did not attend the wedding."

"Why? Do you have some beef? Sibling rivalry? She did not like the fact that you have the company all to yourself?" his tone was mocking thinking he had it all figured out.

"Oh sweetheart she was the one who signed the papers and handed her shares of the company to me willingly, she wants no part of the business."

"I guess, you should start from the beginning, the name and everything, now that we are married I deserve to know the truth."

"My sister was the family's sweetheart. Everyone absolutely loved her, she was kind and sweet and she cared for everyone. My uncles are not the best of people but they too are fond of her, at least up to a certain extent." I took a deep breath and I took a sip of the juice that I was having for breakfast, I slowly took the last piece of waffle I had as I remembered all the childhood memories.

"She was kinda naïve, she did everything they said, though my uncles were fond of her they still made her do work like cleaning their rooms and looked down on her because of my cousins. My sister's name is Soo In. Soo In never complained then I was born. A pain in the ass since birth, according to my mom no one was able to hold me other than her or my sister, if someone so much as tried I would start screaming and crying."

"Why am I not surprised.." Taehyung teased probably to lighten up the somber mood.

"When I was old enough to walk, I would follow my sister everywhere and when someone ordered her around I would call them out, glare at them or make an insulting remark. Even though she was the older sister, I protected her but she always chose to spend time with my cousins. While growing up a couple of paparazzi bombarded her and my mother in public and since then she has been kept in hiding. I was disliked by most of my family, I said what came to my mind, I wasn't scared of what they thought as long as I knew I was right. I always looked up to my sister, I admired her hard work but she did not care much she was always busy with my cousins. I was bullied in high school, everyone had their siblings come and save them, I begged Soo-In to help me but my pleas always fell on deaf ears." I did not know when but tears started streaming from my eyes, I was staring at my lap too ashamed to be seen crying when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, I held Taehyung's shirt and continued through my tears.

"Since no one was going to protect me, I decided to protect myself, I became the bully, people were scared to approach me, I had no friends and often ate lunch alone until Seokjin joined our school and became friends with me. I turned into a rebel, I was hot-headed and often got into fights and fistfights, my parents were disappointed but did not say anything hoping I would stop my actions. My sister was nearing the age of inheriting the company but one day during dinner she announced that she would not inherit the company and that it was not what she wanted. My parents tried to persuade her to take it." Another sob racked my body while Taehyung kept holding me tightly. I clutched his shirt tighter, holding him close.

"My whole world was uprooted when I heard my sister tell Mom and Dad that they could train me to take care of the company. Soo In knew it was not what I wanted, I wanted to be a writer but she crushed my hopes that very day. My parents love both of us but at the end of the day if it came to saving one of us, they would save Soo In without a doubt." I cried harder.

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