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"Yoongi, we have a problem." You said as soon as you heard him pick up the call.

"What do I need to do?" Yoongi didn't ask any questions knowing you would tell him what is needed and the rest for when you two met.

"Soo-In is here and maybe her boyfriend followed her to kill me, we need to get out of here as soon as possible."

"What is the bitch doing there? Wait, don't answer that, I will contact you again, let me get everything ready, I am coming. Till I come stay away from any windows or anything, keep something to shield your head and chest from any bullet."

"Okay, you know my location let me know the plan."

"I will stay safe." A beep indicated that he had hung up on you when you heard footsteps approaching.

"You okay?" Taehyung asked, his hand coming to rest on your shoulder, trying to give any sort of comfort that he could.

"I am alright, we need to pack the essentials, can't take all the luggage, take only the important things, it's going to have to be a quick escape." Taehyung simply nodded, not trying to push you to answer his question as the both of you started stuffing your important things in a bag pack.

"Y/n, I am so sorry and congratulations on the marriage." Soo-In smiled.

"It would be better if you keep your mouth shut. You are only pissing us off more." Taehyung glared at her.

"I am just trying to be positive about the situation, there is no need for you to be rude to Taehyung." Soo-In raised her voice at Taehyung.

"Don't fucking talk to my husband like that, we are in the mess because of you, from our marriage to now, you have caused nothing but trouble so, unless you want a broken nose, shut the fuck up and stay away from us." You spoke through gritted teeth making your sister raise her eyes at you in challenge but after a few minutes, she understood that you weren't joking and left to sit in the living room.

You were just zipping up the bag when your phone rang, you picked it up when you saw Yoongi's name flashing on it.


"I am gonna pick you up in my jet, I have already alerted the local authorities to surround the area, I will be there in 7 hours, and in exactly thirty minutes one of my contacts will be there to escort you and Taehyung-" Yoongi was speaking but i interuppted him.

"What about Soo-In?"

"That bitch can die for all I care. The shit she did would make you surprised."

"Yoongi she is my sister."

"You know if it wasn't for you, I would personally have her chopped off in some part of the world."

"I know."

"Fine they will escort the three of you to the safe house and you will wait there till I get there."

"Don't you think it's better to book a flight?"

"I am the one getting you out of there, you better follow my plan, the reason we can't book a flight is because we don't know what their reach is, how influential they are we don't want you to be in any sort of danger and a flight full of unknown people is as dangerous as it gets, me coming there to get you is the safest way."

"I understand, we have packed the essentials."

"Good, my contact will knock three times and tell his name, 'Park Chaneyol', only then you are to allow the door to be open, make your sister open the door don't do it yourself in case it might be the wrong guy."

Maze Of Lies| Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now