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GRAPHIC VIOLENCE(not too much at least not according to me.)



I knew Yoongi saw how distracted I was at work which is why here we were at a restaurant that was in an old shabby-looking building but on the inside it could rival any Michelin star fancy restaurant, people were dressed to the nines.

I felt under dressed in my suit with a fucking cast.

"You know I am curious. Very curious about what went down between you and Jungkook." 

Yoongi was analysing my body language and it pissed me off, I took the fork from the table and pointed it at him.

"Would you like this shoved up your ass or down your throat?" I glared.

"You are getting defensive." He observed out loud.

"I am pissed off."

"What happened?"

I looked away, I didn't wanna relive those memories, not because they were bad but because they were so good that I might crave them again, wish for something that I could never have.

"Don't you have something better to talk about? Why are we here anyway?" I looked around the place.

"Jin asked me to check the place out, he said he has a feeling this can pose as a competition."
I nodded and the waiter came and took our orders as soon as he left, I turned to Yoongi again when I felt his gaze on me.

"Penny for your thoughts."

"Your father sent me an email this morning. It was your picture, only this time it was from when you were in Hawaii, whoever it was, was close to you."

"Show me the picture." Yoongi wordlessly handed his phone to me after unlocking it.

The photo had me shivering in fear, a picture of me as I was in the suite watching the TV. My face in the photo had been vandalised with red markers. "She needs to pay." Was written with red on the picture.

"What were you thinking?" I looked at Yoongi.

"I was thinking we could make a list of people whom you ever have insulted or hurt in any way. And I must say, I have lost count. You have more foes than friends. You have pissed off a large number of people, you aren't safe even with your family."

"It's gonna be fine, I will be fine." I was shaken up but kept my voice strong which was only given away by the slight shake in my hand and judging by how Yoongi was looking at my hand it hadn't gone unnoticed.

"I have a feeling your marriage is in danger." I simply raised a brow waiting for him to elaborate.

"The thing between you and Jungkook. I have a feeling it's gonna affect your and Taehyung's relationship."

I rolled my eyes and just then the waiter brought our food. I knew Jungkook's presence would force the skeletons out of their closet, it would most probably lead to a strained relationship between me and Taehyung.

I was about to eat my soup when a patron's cat jumped on my and Yoongi's table and started eating from my food, it was surprising that cats were allowed in the restaurant. I sighed disappointed and a waiter rushed to remove the cat when suddenly the cat fell limp on the table, Yoongi's eyes were on me, wide.

Maze Of Lies| Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now