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"YOONGI!!" I took the gun which had fallen from his hand, I poked my head out for a moment and saw 4 armed men approaching where Yoongi was lying groaning in pain.

"Y/" Yoongi chocked out.


My eyes snapped open, the lights in the room were too bright for me and made me feel dizzy, I groaned.

"Butterfly." I heard the familiar voice and turned my head, I tried to speak but realized I was parched.

"W-water." I croaked out and within seconds I felt an ice chip touching my lips, I immediately opened my mouth and allowed the ice to melt in my mouth.

Finally I managed to open my eyes, blinking them till they adjusted to the bright light, I narrowed my eyes and as soon as Jungkook noticed that the bright light was bother me, he turned off bright ones, only a bed side lamp was turned on.

I finally looked around the room and saw Taehyung sitting on a sofa, his eyes trained on me, a predator observing it's prey.

"Where is Yoongi?" I asked Jungkook while continuing to stare at Taehyung.

"Alive but asleep in his own room." I felt Jungkook's fingers run through my hair.

"I need to see him."

"You cant." I glared at Taehyung when he said no to me.

"Who do you think you are trying to stop me?" I snarled.

I felt Jungkook's fingers on my chin making me face him.

"It can trigger your trauma, butterfly."

"It won't, I was just in shock at that time."

"We cant allow that." Taehyung finally came to stand near my bed.

"Jeon you know the more you stop me from doing something, the more I will be tempted to do it. I need to see Yoongi and its not up for argument."

I noticed see the look exchanged between Taehyung and Jungkook and I was pissed, I sat up and started getting off the bed. Within seconds I felt Taehyung slide slippers under my feet.

"The floor is cold, don't want my phoenix to freeze." I glared at his flirtations, I wasn't in the mood for it.

"What room is he in, Jeon?" I demanded.

His eyes darkened and his jaw clenched, the inner battle clear in his eyes.

"The room down the hall." His answer was short and his voice gave away that he was pissed that I didn't listen to what he said. I walked out of the room.

Jin was sitting next to Yoongi, tear tracks on his cheeks, I walked up to Yoongi.

"What did doc say?" I asked, sitting on the foot of the bed.

"I'll survive, I sure as fuck am not dying without killing the fucker."

I smirked, typical Yoongi, never revealing his pain and being the one to get straight to the point.

"Now that you are awake, Yoon. I saw the cctv footage, the quality was shit so couldn't figure out much but did you notice something about the men who came to attack Y/n? anything they said or mention of a name." Jungkook started interrogating Yoongi as soon as he entered the room.

"Hello to you too, I am fine don't worry about me... I didn't." I barely controlled my laughter at Yoongi's sarcastic tone.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I am sure because I was too busy shooting and getting shot. Anyone told you that you are annoying as fuck?"

In the tense moment Yoongi's comment brought a smile even to Jungkook's lips.

"You weren't awake to tell me that hyung."

"Well I am telling you now, you are annoying as fuck and I am sure you will stay just as annoying even when we are in our sixties."

The atmosphere in the room lightened significantly.

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news but...Y/n you cant go back to your home and so cant Taehyung." Jungkook continued.

I raised a brow waiting for him to elaborate.

"Your housekeeper Hye-jin was found dead, gunshots were heard shortly after Taehyung left the house."

"WHAT ABOUT MY WORKSHOP?!" I flinched as Taehyung stood up and screamed at Jungkook.

"It was are all the belongings which were in that house. The house was clearly searched for any signs of you or Y/n."

"Why him?" I asked out of curiosity.

"From what we have deducted its that, that the act of lovey dovey couple you two have been putting was pretty convincing for people. Especially after the stunt Y/n pulled at that stupid party by cancelling the deal with Mr.Nam and publically humiliating him when he insulted Taehyung. I have reasons to believe that those idiots think Taehyung is your weakness and will try to use him against you."

"I always warned you idiots to never act recklessly." Jin chimed in.

"For once stop scolding us, hyung." Jungkook sighed.

"Do you have any idea who is behind it, Jeon?" I spoke up before Jin could retort or scold us further.

"No...for now, I have a safe house prepared for you, Taehyung and Yoongi hyung. I did get my hands on Soo-In's boyfriend's phone but we haven't been able to recover any information from it. All the data has been completely wiped clean from it."

"Can it be recovered?"

"It's a 50-50 chance."

"I trust you Jeon."

"You shouldn't butterfly."

I raised a brow at Jungkook's reply.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

He simply smirked and leaned down tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I am your body guard from now on. I don't trust myself to act appropriately around you...especially given our history."

I could see the mischievousness in his eyes when all of a sudden Taehyung pushed him away from me.

"Keep your hands off my wife." Taehyung growled out in his deep baritone voice.

A shiver ran down my spine at Taehyung's behaviour, it was like something I only read in dark romance novels which were my guilty pleasure.

"A good husband doesn't keep the secrets from his wife especially the kind of secrets you have."

I noticed Taehyung's body stiffen at Jungkook's comment before Jungkook walked out of the room with a smirk on his face.

"What does he mean, Tae?" I asked softly.

"You don't wanna know, phoenix."

"I do...its time I know what you have been hiding from me."

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