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Beethoven's 5th symphony

Rain By BTS

While I was buttoning up my shirt I heard the sudden sound of loud music which startled me making me let out an embarrassing screech if you were to ask me if I was the one who made that sound then I would probably deny it. The longer I heard the loud music, I started to remember what song it was, it was Beethoven's 5th Symphony, usually, I used to wake up due to the caffeine that consumed in the form of my coffee but today all my senses were on alert as soon as the loud dramatic music started to play. At first, I was confused as to where the music came from but then I remembered that I now had a husband, I got out of my room a bit furious.

I wandered around the maze of a house for quite some time before I was able to find the source of the sound, it was Taehyung's art studio.

I started aggressively knocking on the door until the door finally opened to reveal Taehyung standing in front of me, clad in a large brown coat with a scarf with weird drawings on it wrapped around his neck, a beret covering his caramel brown hair, an apron tied around his torso and a pair of round glasses perched on his nose, the music loud as ever in the background which was starting to give me a headache.

"Lower the bloody volume!!!!! It's too early for it." I screamed at him, to which he simply furrowed his brows and tilted his head to one side, lips slightly pouted.

"What do you mean early? It is 8 A.M." he said the music turning into a more dramatic dun dun dun which made my eye twitch.

"Exactly!!! It is 8 in the fucking morning! Why are you even awake?! Is this the time for blasting Beethoven?! I get it he has amazing music but it could have given me a heart attack." As I finished speaking, he stood straight again, his aura getting dangerous as he smashed the door close in my face accidentally hitting my head in the process.

I let out a scream, stomping my foot and walking away when the sound of music turned up louder than before.

"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!!!!!! FUCK YOU!!!!!!!" I screamed and walked away. If cartoons were real then there would be steam coming out of my ears and my head blasting up due to the anger I was trying to control.

I went inside the kitchen and saw a lady standing at the stove, I let out another high-pitched scream startling the lady who turned around to look at me with wide eyes.

"WHO ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I asked a bit scared even though the woman was older than me, she had a knife in her hand and her apron was covered in a red liquid which made me let out a horrified scream again.

"Please don't hurt me!" I said shielding my face.

"Oh, I won't hurt you dear, I am here to take care of you and young master." The lady said in a gentle tone

"What? Why do you have a knife in hand and why is your apron covered in blood?" I asked still wary of the old lady in case she were to throw the knife at me as they show in movies, though I am pretty sure even if she told me that she is throwing the knife at me even then I won't be able to dodge it.

"Oh, darling don't be afraid I was just cutting the green onions for the egg roll and the stain on my apron is from the tomato puree I was preparing for the spaggeti that you both could have for lunch, don't worry, the mixer was not working properly that's why this happened. I am Geum Hye-jin, I have been looking after young master Taehyung for years." She introduced herself while bowing slightly.

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