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My mind was riddled with thoughts, did I love Taehyung? I wasn't sure. I did feel some type of way for him, I just didn't know what it was that I felt.

Sometimes I wanted to hug him, other times I wanted to punch him. He confused me, I looked between Yoongi and Jin and my mouth suddenly felt as dry as the desert.

"I don't know..... I don't think I love him. Not yet at least..... but I do feel some type of way for him. I don't know what it is. We aren't platonic but we aren't romantic either. I don't know what we are."

Jin gave me a sympathetic look and Yoongi was looking at Jungkook who looked deep in thought.

Jungkook's hands were clenched into fists, his posture stiff, jaw clenched as he looked at me with fire in his eyes, a fire that burned me from the inside.

"Excuse me, I need to use the bathroom." Jungkook spoke up breaking the silence and walked out of my office.

"He is pissed." Yoongi spoke monotonously.

"What does he expect from me? I am not single anymore, I am married." I gritted my teeth feeling defensive for some reason.

"You can't deny what you and Jungkook still have." Jin spoke matter of factly.

"It's a thing of the past." I hissed.

"You are still his butterfly though." Jin's gaze was analysing my body language, my words, my actions and my tone, I could see it in his eyes.

"He needs to move on." I walked over to the floor-to-ceiling windows looking out so that I didn't have to look at my friends analysing gazes.

"You know he won't. Jungkook is nothing if not persistent. You never told us what happened between you and Jungkook and what was even going on." Yoongi came to stand beside me, my body stiffened, painful memories flashing through my mind like a movie.

"It's not important, it's the past." I tried to keep the emotions in my voice hidden.

Before Yoongi or Jin could press further on the topic Jungkook walked in the office, a tight smile on his lips. My eyes travelled down to his hand, his knuckles were red raw, he probably punched something or someone.

"Can we talk about what we need to do now? Enough about her love life and her husband."
I raised a brow at Jungkook's tone of voice but nodded.

"Increased security?" Yoongi suggested.

"I don't trust her security. She got shot with her security surrounding her." Jungkook turned down Yoongi's suggestion all the while maintaining eye contact with me.

"Then what do you suggest we do genius Jeon?" I challenged.

His gait was predatory as he walked closer to me, standing just a hair's breadth away from me, his soothing cologne scent assaulted my sinuses. I didn't dare break the eye contact, it was as if he was holding me captive with just his gaze.

A shiver ran down my spine as he caressed my cheek before holding my chin.

"I will be your bodyguard, butterfly. Anyone who wants to hurt you has to go through me now. You ok with that princess or will it make you uncomfortable?" His voice was deeper than usual as he spoke, when he asked me if it would make me uncomfortable, I knew he was mocking me.

"Who is gonna handle your business? You trying to ruin your life by trying to save mine?" I smirked trying to gain some sort of control over the situation.

"My life was yours the day I saw you, mi amour."

"Don't call me that Jeon." I pushed his hand away and took a step back to put distance between us. The memories of the past evaded my mind.

"I am married, stay in your limits." I spoke through gritted teeth, slightly shaking.

"Married doesn't mean you don't feel the way you used to."

"Either stay in your limits or I swear I will-"

"You will what, princess?"

"I don't need your protection, Jeon. I can take care of myself." I glared at him.

"I know, my strong butterfly. Fine, I will try to stay in my "limits" but I can't promise anything. I just want you safe." Jungkook's puppy eyes always did the trick, I couldn't deny him anything once he made that face. I nodded reluctantly.

"I think you should leave now, Yoongi and I need to work." I could see the hesitation in Jungkook eyes but he nodded slowly and walked closer to me.

He caressed my cheek and moved closer as if he wanted to do something more but pulled away at the last second.

"I will arrange a few things and meet you guys tomorrow. My duties as your bodyguard start tomorrow." Jungkook tried to lighten the mood by winking at me as he walked out with a smile but I could see the pain in his eyes.

Jin looked at me once and got up from the couch.

"I have no idea what kind of history you and Jungkook have since you kept everything under wraps but...I know whatever you two had is still there at least a part of it. We will talk some other day about this, I know you are feeling overwhelmed. I will see you guys later." With that Jin too walked out of my office leaving me and Yoongi alone.

Yoongi smiled softly and opened his arms. It was rare that Yoongi offered hugs but I was in no place to hug him right now because I knew, I knew that one kind gesture from someone, a few kind words and I would shatter and let my emotions out like never before.

I shook my head no and Yoongi lowered his arms, nodding in understanding, he was my best friend and understood me nicely so to divert my mind from whatever was bothering me we started working.

Even as we worked, I couldn't help but remember the memories that today had brought back, the memories I wanted to hide in the deepest parts of my mind so that they could never see the light of the day.

Memories of beautiful mornings with a warm embrace and soft kisses, memories of late-night snacks, memories of the late-night bike rides, memories of him...the one who still held a soft corner in my heart and a huge part of my mind.

Maze Of Lies| Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now