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"As much as I hate to interrupt this moment of happiness, we have to plan, there are not a lot of people you can trust, Y/n." You turned to look at Yoongi only to find him looking back at you.

"You are right, with my arm injured, I am gonna need someone competent to help me with work." You accepted the harsh truth.

"You have a secretary."

"Like you said I can't trust anyone, I want you to help me."

"Kiddo, you know I left that world."

"And you know that if anyone can handle the empire like me then it's only you."

"We can ask Jin for help."

"Kim Seokjin? The café owner?" Taehyung asked curiously.

"More like Kim Seokjin, owner of the chain of Michelin-star restaurants and five-star hotels and resorts." You responded nonchalantly.

"Then what is he doing in a small café? Who is handling the business?"

"Jin doesn't like the business side of things, he is creative and knows how to keep everything going but he doesn't enjoy the dirty political side of business so, Yoongs and I handle that for him." While Taehyung digested that fact, Yoongi gestured to me to sit down.

"We need to move ahead, who do you suspect?"

"My uncle, mainly."

"We can't overlook anything, we have to explore every possibility. You understand what I am saying?'' Yoongi spoke with a pensive expression.

"I do." You nodded solemnly.

"Why do I feel like you communicated something without me knowing even though you talked in front of me?" Taehyung narrowed his eyes.

"I think we need to explore the possibility of her parents and Soo-In being the people behind the attacks." Yoongi carefully left out the part about suspecting Taehyung and his family as well.

Something wasn't sitting well with him. Taehyung nodded and just then his mother came out of the kitchen with a pot of instant ramen, followed by Taehyung's father and Jimin.

"There is no better comfort food than ramen." Jimin happily announced, Yoongi turned to look at the cheerful boy and though he hid it well, Yoongi was scrutinizing the moves of everyone else in the house.

Without a word Yoongi, put some noodles in your bowl and put it in front of you with a pair of chopsticks as everyone took a bowl for themselves.

With one arm in the sling, you were only left with one arm to eat which meant you couldn't pick the bowl but you somehow managed to eat, unbeknown to the worried glances thrown your way by Taehyung.

"I will see you at the office tomorrow?" Yoongi asked late in the evening as everyone started getting ready to leave.

"Yes." You could see your best friend was hesitant to leave you alone with Taehyung, especially after seeing how much pain you were in when the plane had landed and you had tears in your eyes, the pain of the wound was too much, it was only after getting the very strong, prescribed painkillers that you were okay and were ready to visit your parents.

You nodded to reassure him and that was all it took for him to know you could handle yourself.

You started making your way to your room when Taehyung called after you.

Maze Of Lies| Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now