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"Then why did you never say anything?!" She looked at me with so much hurt that my I felt as if someone was gripping my heart inside my chest and squeezing it.

"Tell" the finality in Yoongi's tone made me sigh.

"I can't."

"Can't or won't?"


Y/n walked closer to me, lifting her hand, for a second I thought she was gonna hit me but I knew I deserved it so I stayed quiet and stood but when she caressed my cheek, tears in her eyes, I knew if she asked me I would tell her.

Hell, this woman could ask me to lay my life at her feet and I would do it with a smile, she had bewitched me, ensnared me into being a man whose couldn't give less of a fuck about his own safety if it meant she got to live, if it meant I got to see her smile.

"Ask, phoenix. Ask for what your heart desires to know and I shall answer it but...I have a condition." I said, grabbing her waist and gosh she fit so perfectly in my arms, I wanted nothing more than to push her against the wall and claim her pretty pink lips like I had done that day when her family disowned her.

"What condition?"

"Tell me about your history with Jungkook first." The way her body stiffened told me all I needed to know.

Maze Of Lies| Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now