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Its Friday evening in the spring.

Jane I have asked everyone here. Why what is up? I got a 911 call from Yilena but couldn't answer it in court until my break or the visiting judge would of been ticked again and had me spend time in jail.  My wife has been kidnapped.  Apparently some students saw her returning from a late from  a meeting and she was chloroform and thrown in a van. They got the plate and several students tried to follow them. They couldn't get passed airport security before they took off in a helicopter. They got the number off it.  Yilena said it was stolen.  I got my security, Q security and all sorts of Leo's including my people, Julianne's security and Carly and Alexis people looking for her. So far no luck. We will find Rony.

Maura starts crying and I hold her along with Olivia her adoptive niece from her deceased sister, Katelyn.  

Auntie we all are ready to help in anyway we can if it's look, paying mercenaries or whatever it takes. Thanks Avery.  There hasn't been a ransom. Once we have a better understanding why she was taken and possible where, we all will take off time from work.  Thank you. Auntie you need to eat. I know you don't feel like.  Rony wouldn't want you to get sick. 

My niece Avery hands me a plate of raviolis that she made for us all.

I eat a little and drink two glasses of wine.  Everyone else eats and drinks. My cell rings and it shows its Rony's cell.

Jane tells me to wait so the people who are here can to track it. I finally answer it.

This is Maura is my wife okay? She is okay for now. I want proof before I do anything you say.  You will do what I say or she will be sent back limb by limb. Please don't.

I am crying and Jane is holding me.

What do you want? We want you to sell your winery businesses. Anyone can buy them as long as it's not anyone you know. Once that is done, we will tell you where you can find her. This will take time.  You have a month to do it.

The lady hangs up.

Sorry Maura she hung half of a second too soon.  Nia, John, Adrienne and &  Joy put the winery businesses up for sale. Let the winery owners know too. I don't care if you sell it for a penny. Maura we will set up a fictious buyer like a shell company. It will work. Are you sure Sonny? Yes my illegitimate businesses do well.

All the judges and Leo's look at him.  They all promised not to go after him or his businesses.

Okay go ahead Sonny. Who will the businesses be sold to. They will be sold to Diane.  Me why me? Diane just trust. Dad are you sure this will work. Christina we can sell it to Ryan too. Are you ladies in?

They both shake their heads yes.

I will get my people on it.  You two will pay 100,000 each.  Ryan you will own fictiously Lodi and Diane you will own Italy.  My people will be in touch. We will take our time so we can locate your wife. Thank you Sonny. This lady will call back probably each day to check on the progress. Maura we have someone who looks and speaks like in all of the languages you speak. This will take time for this person to have her vocal chords to change, learn everything about you and speak the various languages.  I can do her surgery at Mercy hospital along with a few plastic surgeons and other  doctors. Auntie I will make arrangements for this to occur. Thanks Olivia.

Maura I will have more security around here as well and in your home and around your businesses.  Thank you Jason.  Diane and Ryan you will have more security around you as well as all of your relatives.  We don't want them to kidnap others who you love to weaken you.  Jason and I will contact people we trust in my line of world. We will find her Maura.

J will you and Lisa stay here? Yes. Frankie please go with Laura and get some clothes and other items we will write down. Okay! Here is my keys and password for guests to get in my house. Sis we will find her. I hope do Juanita.

Carlo and Juanita hug me before they  leave.  Many left except my security who helped clean up the mess than left.

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