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Dr. Isles we need to take her to surgery now.

I kiss my wife forehead and they roll her out of the ER. I immediately call Jane. Jane answers and I tell her. She tells me she and Lisa are on their way and she will put a group text out.

At the Loren's home  ...
My wife and several others run onto the court and we stop playing basketball.

Carlo we need to go to Mercy Hospital. Jane put a group text out. Rony passed out and is in surgery.  Okay I am coming. Hector and Ramiro please stay here and finish cooking the meat. The sides are done. Yeah let us know. We will. Hector I will leave you a set of keys when the meat is done. Just lock up. We will bring all the food with us and cook more.  Thanks.

We all left except them two.

At Mercy hospital... I am in the observation room with my niece Olivia. She and Julian arrived shortly after the text went out. Jane, Lisa and Julian are in the waiting room that I know of.

Auntie what happened? We were talking about what happened. She than left the fitness room and ran out of the house. I ran after her. She got all the way to the gate by the street and collapsed. Mario and Courtney saw us . Mario stopped and put her in the car. We all came here. She flattened and it took three charges of the defibrillator to get her heart beating again. They rushed her in here. There was a poison in her system that wasn't detected. It took several days to show up. Selena lied she intention of letting Rony live. They are giving her an antidote that is working do far. The doctor said her exercising is what brought the poison out. Auntie it's all my fault. Olivia sweetie no you saved her. She could of been exercising when no one was around and could of died. We need not to discuss the kidnapping anymore. She can't deal with it. Please let everyone know.  I will send out a group text.

Maura we are taking her to recovery now. Thank you.

Olivia and I left the observation room.
Auntie I am going to get Jane and if uncle Carlo and Auntie Juanita are here, I will have them come too. Its only one person,! but I will approve it. Thank you.

We hugged and she left to go get them. I followed my wife holding her hand.

I am texting everyone after I tell Jane, Lisa and the others who are in the waiting room which transpired. Julian holds me and reassures me my aunt will be okay. 

More people are coming are being told not to bring up the kidnapping etcetera to my aunt and why. I meet Horatio and his team. They found out and came out of concern.

Hector and Ramiro brought the food we were to eat at Carlo's place. We won't have beer but whoever is hungry let's help them bring the food and ice chest to the cafeteria.

Everything was brought out of Hector's truck to the cafeteria. Frankie and Tommy went to get soda and water and some food for my aunt's and cousin.

We are going to go bring this to them. We will update you all. 

My uncles left to go see my parents and cousin. I told Ryan I was going too.

Babe don't stay too long. Too many people are there as it is. I won't I just need to see for myself how my mom etcetera are doing.

Ryan kisses me and I leave.

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