30 epilogue

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We went home and Rony and I changed into pajamas. We fell asleep fairly quickly.

Several us decided to go to the range in Stockton to talk more about our memories of Yilena and Liz after we went to the  gun range in Stockton and had their weapons transferred in our names and then wrote checks to and mailed some to both places in Sacramento and in Miami.  We stayed their using only their guns to reminiscence about them. We finally left around 4 and headed to San Miguel to eat dinner than headed to our invidual homes.

At the Cabrera home... Maura made us Chinese food and we had it with hot tea. I took my evening medicine.  We decided to watch some TV to relax.  Maura and I slept well . It was definitely needed. We finally turned in after we took a shower.  We knocked out pretty quickly .

The following morning Maura got up and got ready for work. She made us three breakfast.  I stayed in my pajamas, since I was staying home. Emily said she would clean up so my wife could go to work. I kissed my wife goodbye and we told her if we needed anything we would let her know.

Rony what do you want to do this morning?Let's have a movie athon watching star trek the original with spock. Okay.

I moved Rony's scooter closer to the walls so she would have to ask me for it

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I moved Rony's scooter closer to the walls so she would have to ask me for it. Maura left with explicit instructions to have rest, relax and for her not to use lap top. Maura locked all the laptops in her office. Rony was thrilled but accepted it.

I left for work before my husband Jay the sheriff in the sheriff's suv

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I left for work before my husband Jay the sheriff in the sheriff's suv. Myself, Janice and Nina were meeting with everyone before Jay would show up. We wanted to make sure we got all of the ducks in a row before he showed up. We all were in new positions. Barry helped Nina.  We were ready when Jay showed up for the early shift and roll was called by Janice.

Everyone as you all know we lost two of our comrades. We will have counselors available for next two weeks for anyone who wishes to speak about their feelings.

Everyone was assigned their duties.  Barry and I got our first case. Janice headed to the jail.  I stayed back to help Jay as I was a lieutenant now and his assistant.

Lieutenant Frost let's head over to the police department.  You can drive me. Okay Sr.

We left for the sheriff department.

At the clinic... It was good to be back at work. Physical exams and vaccines was my many of our tasks for today after I reviewed and answered my clinic emails.

We arrived at the sheriff's office.

We are here to see the Police Commissioner. Lieutenant please stay here with Detective Atwater and Raymund. Yes Sir.

Jay entered Chin's office.

Nima how is your first day as lieutenant? Kevin it's okay. It's a promotion as a secretary basically and Jay's driver. You will enjoy the perks with it. The county will probably pick up your meals when you are with him. Cool never thought of that. 

We sat and waited for them to finish. We all played games on the desk tops or read my other emails as I needed to respond as the sheriff's assistant.

They finished their meeting and we left to go have lunch. He wanted me to get to know my role more. We went to an Indian restaurant for lunch and sure enough it was on the county. This was something new for me. He went over stuff as we waited for our food.

At law firm...
I stayed home and did some work while Lisa went to work. Maura wouldn't allow me to return to work yet which sucked.  I just work on my cases and contacted my secretary to let her know I would be in the office on Wednesday when I got released to go back to work.  She said she send me some information to review and some new cases. I thanked her and logged into my lap top to review it all.

Work went by quickly. I told Emily she could leave by 4:45 and I was enroute. 

Rony Maura says I can leave. Is there anything you need?Nope and will see you tomorrow.  Don't worry about eating breakfast at home. I enjoy eating with Amy.  Please give my regards to your wife. How's your car? I like it thanks for asking.

She left and I waited for my wife to return home from work. I was in bed.

On my way home I get a call from Jennifer.

Maura the vehicles are done. Good forward the bills as you usually do. Clayton and I are heading to casino near by for dinner and to gamble. Enjoy yourselves. We will. We checked on Emily and Rony and they were doing well. Thank you.

I ended the call and parked my Mercedes and went inside.  I picked up hamburgers, fries and milk shakes for dinner from the dirty robber. I was too tired to cook. 

Babe I picked us up dinner from the Dirty Robber. I just have to reheat it. Let me get you in the scooter. Babe I can do it. Okay, I will meet you in the kitchen .

Lisa I made us chicken soup with fresh bread and salad for dinner with two lowenbrauh beers for dinner. Sounds perfect.  I will be back. Let me wash up.

Lisa returned. We ate two bowls of soup.  I cleaned everything up while Lisa went to take a shower so we could play yahtzee before we went to bed.

I ended up winning one game and she won two before we went to bed for the night.

Maura and I enjoyed our meal. Maura went to take a shower and I went to take my evening medications and vitamins.

I took a long bath. By the time I came out. Rony was sound asleep. I got into bed and she moved towards me while she slept. I said my evening prayers thanking God for having her better. I eventually fell asleep.

The end.

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