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We picked teams and I told them to go to my half court gym in my home

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We picked teams and I told them to go to my half court gym in my home.

We picked teams and I told them to go to my half court gym in my home

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Several of the guys came with the other guys. We had four teams.  We would take turns , since my home gym was only half court.

At the Cabrera house...  my niece Olivia and her husband came over for lunch.

Auntie whatever happened to the accounts off shore? Olivia they are still there as far as I know. We obviously didn't need 30 minutes to find my wife.  Selena wasn't as smart as she thought she was. Spinelli and Chad were able to track her new location and we got my wife  back in a week. Babe you should stop talking about it. You two didn't notice Rony got up to leave and didn't finish eating her food. I went to talk to her and she feels this is her fault on top of Yilena and Liz and others dying. Maura thank you for lunch but Olivia and I need to go so you can try to reassure her it's not her fault. I tried telling her that.  She says she is tired of people asking how is she doing and discussing it especially in front of her. Julian I need to apologize to my aunt. Babe you did enough.  Let's go before you make it worse. Auntie please apologize for me. I will.

I hugged my niece and Julian and they left. I go look for my wife.  She is working out in the fitness room.
She doesn't hear me come in. She has her earpods in listening to some music. She is lifting too much weight and I release the weight and they fall.

Maura what the fuck.  Please just leave me alone and let me be. Rony Olivia and I are both sorry. I am sorry for being insensitive. MAURA YOU LEAVE OR I WILL.  BABE PLEASE LET ME STAY. I DON'T WANT YOU HERE WITH ME.  ALL YOU CARE ABOUT IS THAT I AM HOME SAFE.  OF COURSE I DO. MAURA I BARELY HOLDING ON. I TRIED BEING THE STRONG ONE AND I CANNOT ANYMORE.

I grabbed Rony's hands and place them around my waist.

Rony let out your anger and tell me how you feel? Maura people are dead because of my ex girlfriend. Two we are close too.  I have nightmares of being taken, waking up from being drugged and seeing Selena shooting them. How come you didn't say anything? All you seem to care about is being home safe and alive. Yeah I am those but it should of been me to die not others. If I  hadn't got a new cell and changed my number none of this would of happened.

Maura places her hand under my chin and raises my head.

Rony Cabrera we cannot change what happened.  Things in life happen for a reason.  Yes, I am angry she chloroformed you, drugged you again and raped you while you were asleep and people died. It's her fault not hers.

I got up and left the house running.  I could hear Maura yelling for me and chasing me. I finally collapsed before the gate to exit the street. Maura gets me. Mario puts me in his car with Courtney and my wife.

Maura I am driving to Mercy Hospital.  Thank you!

Rony's crying and her pulse is racing.

Babe take a couple of deep breaths to calm yourself down. Please I don't want you to get yourself worked up to cause a heart attack.

I take a couple of deep breaths.I could feel my heart beat returning slowly back to normal than I pass out.

Mario hurry please she passed out.

Mario is driving fast and gets pulled over.  He explains the situation the officer tells him to follow him.

He does and we get them sooner. Courtney jumps out and the ER staff comes and get my wife . I go with them and tell them what happened. Code blue was called.  I start crying begging her to come back. The doctor uses a defibrillator on her three times to get her heart to beat again.

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