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I washed and cut up items and added water and the ingredients into the crock pot and added seasonings. I covered it and turned it high than cleaned up my mess and went to do some yoga and then take a nap.

I woke up coughing and saw what my wife kept for me. I drank some water and got a cough drop. I than went to the restroom and returned to go back to sleep once I finished sucking on the cough drop.

 I than went to the restroom and returned to go back to sleep once I finished sucking on the cough drop

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I parked my new vehicle in front of my sisters home. I had dinner for the three of us. I had just left an important meeting.

Hey Carlo come in. I brought us some dinner. Plus I wanted to see how you and Rony are doing.  Aye Rony.  Hi Carlo is that your new Alfa Romeo? Yes I picked up last week.  So you finally sold your Ferrari and bought a more reasonably priced vehicle. Rony if you see eighty five thousand as reasonable than yes. I like it thanks.   I picked us all up some chili Verde, guacamole, chips, Spanish rice, tortillas and a 6 pack of Corona beer for dinner from Juanita's restaurant. She threw in the beer for free.  Let's eat. Thanks Carlo it saves me from cooking. Your welcome sis.

We need to get you back to your corky but intelligent self again. Carlo I didn't lose my intelligence. Corkiness its getting there.

I heard you been buying vehicles lately sis. Yeah Rony bought one for Jennifer. I don't blame you all. We were all worried and I was praying like crazy you return alive. Thanks Carlo. Sylvie asked me to bring these two you. Aw how sweet a basket of fruit. She went to the farmer's market at Kaiser and got this for you Rony. I will text hee later to thank her.  How did your deal go today? It went well.  Next week I fly out to Texas to check on the site and get the measurements for a car dealership that is two stories. It's a luxurious dealership chain. I will be designing 6 of them.

We finished eating dinner and Maura cut up some of the fresh fruit into a salad. We decided to watch a movie and just hang out.

It was good to see my sister cuddled up to hee wife on the couch. Rony text Sylvie thanking her. I left there home around ten to go home.  It was a long day for me. I went and bought a new pump and some more needles.  Tomorrow family and close friends were coming over after we set up the tents at Jane's  place.

I finally pulled into my garage.

I went inside and took a shower after locking up my home and turning on the alarm

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I went inside and took a shower after locking up my home and turning on the alarm.

At Rizzoli home...

Jane how you feeling? A little bit better. I brought you some stew and crackers and here is some hot sprite. Thank you. Text me if you want seconds or when your done. Will do Lisa. It smells delicious.  It is.

Lisa sprayed the lysol in the air and walked through it than left. I began eating my dinner.

It was definitely delicious. I text my wife telling her I left the TV bed tray in the hallway for her and was going back to sleep. The food hit the spot and was tasty. My wife sent me awe and she was glad I liked it.

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